Zaylee Peyton and Emma Carr are recognized as the top 8th graders at Sulphur Bluff ISD.
Zaylee completes eighth grade with a weighted 4.81 grade point average., making her the top raking student in her class. She has attended Sulphur Bluff school for 9 years.

She has been very active in school activities, in FFA Greenhand, serving as President and competing in FFA Creed Speaking events. She had planned to compete in Academic UIL, but it was canceled for junior high both years due to COVID. She was, however, involved in UIL from 2nd to 6th grades and placed in numerous events.
In addition to academics, Zaylee too was active in athletics during her junior high years. She served as co-captain of the volleyball team and captain of the basketball team. She ran cross country and played softball. In track, she placed second at district in discus third in the 1600 meter and third in the 2400 meter events.
She also helps in the children’s program at Independence Baptist Church
When asked her advice for other students hoping to be successful as well, she said, “You can’t control all things in life, but you can try your absolute best in what you can control.”
Zaylee is the daughter of Matthew and Zandra Peyton of Dike, Texas, sister of Maddox Peyton, granddaughter of Ronny and Loretta Caldwell of Dike and Vince Ryzeck and Lou Ann Arnold of Mount Pleasant, and the great-granddaughter of Jerry Ann Walker of Brinker.
She offers thanks to her “parents for always pushing me to be my best. They’ve taught me the importance of education and to view it as a privilege. They have instilled in me the importance of a great work ethic, to have a desire to learn new skills. Thank you to all my family and teachers for loving me, believing in me, and pushing me to be my best.”
The SB 8th grade valedictorian said while she’s not sure exactly what career path she will pursue after graduating high school she knows it will be “something in the medical field” because she wants to be able to help people.
“I love to lead and help others,” Zaylee said.

Emma car has attained the ranking of salutatorian of Sulphur Bluff 8th Grade Class of 2022 with a weighted 4.77 GPA.
She has attended classes at SBISD for 8 years. during that time she has served on the Student Council, and participated in FFA- Greenhand. She also competed in Junior High UIL One Act Play and Academic UIL.
Emma also ran Cross County, played on the junior high volleyball and basketball teams, as well as track and softball.
The SBISD 8th grade salutatorian’s plans after graduating from high school include attending college with a goal becoming a character designer for television and/or movies “because I enjoy creating.”
When asked who inspires her or has had a big impact on her life, Emma said “Coach Z because she always pushes me to keep going and to stop looking at the clock.”
Emma is the daughter of Dustin and Abbie Carr of Como and sister of Evan Carr of Como.