Pilots and aircraft enthusiasts will help reward Sulphur Springs Middle School 8th grade readers who met their reading goals with a trip to Sulphur Springs Municipal Airport to get an up-close look at aircraft Wednesday morning.

Bryan Jacobs told 8th grade reading classes that if they met their reading goal, he would take them to the airport and show them some airplanes. Usually only 5-6 students meet the goal in each grading period. This time, however, 45 8th grade readers met their goals. On Wednesday, those students will travel to the airport to see several planes and partake of for some hot dogs.
Among the aircraft to be featured will be a Harmon Rocket, a Mooney, a Cessna 150, a Citabria and a couple of jets. American Legend is scheduled to have a couple of Legend Cubs.
At the end of their visit, Jacobs will put the school principal in the Rocket and the kids will get to see him fly around the pattern. While no SSMS students will get in an aircraft or do any flying, they will get to see some up close and watch them fly.
However, to make the event a success, Bryan Jacobs has invited pilots and aircraft enthusiasts for a bit of help sharing the fun with the SSMS 8th grade readers.
“He would like more adults there to supervise kids and ask questions, etc. Just a bunch of kids having fun, getting outside and away from computer screens and learning about airplanes,” Ben Scarborough stated. “If you can come out, maybe bring your airplane out if you have one and park it on the ramp or fly some patterns for them to watch, answer questions from excited 8th graders and enjoy a fun day, contact Bryan and let him know you can come help.”
The event will be from 10 a.m. to noon Wednesday, May 18, at KSLR (Sulphur Springs Municipal Airport). If you can help, please call Jacobs at 661-487-7683 or send an email to him at [email protected].