It may officially be summer, but Sulphur Springs ISD campuses are still abuzz with activity. From summer school and the summer meal program to day camps, athletic camps and 2022-2023 planning, several SSISD campuses are still being utilized.

Administrators are working to finish filling staff rosters, enrolling students at designated locations and times, and working to have things ready for the start of classes in August. Testing dates for Credit by Examination without prior instruction also have been announced.
Summer School
Summer school is currently being conducted on four different campuses.
Sulphur Springs Middle School is hosting summer school for about 95 students four days a week from 8 a.m. to noon. Sulphur Springs High School is averaging about 75-80 students daily Monday-Thursday and Austin Academic Center is hosting 80-plus students for credit recovery daily, according to SSISD Assistant Superintendent Jeremy Lopez.
Classes began on June 6 and will run through July 8. From Monday-Thursday from 7:45 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. at Barbara Bush Primary for elementary students. Approximately 200 kids are attending the elementary summer school program.
Athletic Camps

Summer athletic camps are in progress as well. Strength and conditioning will continue throughout June and July. Boys and Girls athletic camps began May 31 and will continue through July 27. Among the boys camps offered are baseball, basketball, soccer, tennis and football. Girls camps include soccer, volleyball, basketball and softball.
“They are also putting on mini camps, usually about $50, for the community to come out 3 hours a day for soccer, baseball, volleyball and various activities for the community to get involved in and increase our awareness of our sports program,” Lopez said.
Summer Day Camp
SSISD is also offering summer day camp at Bush Primary. The program is averaging about 36 students who are attending summer day camp daily.

“That is up from last year. That is great. We have five of those kiddos who go to summer school and move over at 1:45. We’ve seen a lot of success with that program so we are excited they get to come and have some experiences with us,” Lopez said
Youth enrolled in the SSISD Summer Day Camp generally go on 2-3 field trips weekly, providing additional learning opportunities for them. Day camp is $115 a week for a full-day camper who attends Monday-Friday and $50 for those who attend summer school the first part of the day, then transfer to the summer program upon dismissal at 1:45 p.m.
Lopez says he helps out on the elementary campus in the mornings and afternoons, just making sure traffic flows and the process goes as flawlessly as possible. He credits the principal for jumping in and getting that lined out, with two lines with designated drop off and pick up areas, helping to prevent vehicles from backing up onto State Highway 19 while waiting to enter the campus. After the first two days of school, there have been no traffic back ups or issues in front of Bush Primary. All parents have managed to load kids and leave in 9 minutes, according to Lopez.
CBE Dates
Districts are required to set no less than four dates per year for Credit By Exam. The district has not had any students request the exams in the last few years. The schedule is set in accordance with a state university testing calendar.
Students who wish to take an exam to get credit for a class they’ve never had prior instruction in, so they don’t have to take the class, may apply at least 30 days prior to the testing date.
This year, students who wish to take a CBS on July 29, have only until June 30 to contact their school counselor to register.
To test on Dec. 2, 2022, students must register no later than Nov. 1. The registration deadline to take the test on March 1, 2023, is Jan. 27, 2023. The registration deadline for the June 1, 2023 testing date is April 28, 2023.
Food Services

Free breakfast and lunch for any children between the ages of 1 and 18 years of age is offered free Monday-Thursday through July 7, with the exception of July 4, when campuses are closed for Independence Day. Breakfast is served from 7:20 to 8:45 a.m. and lunch is served from 10:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Barbara Bush Primary. Breakfast and lunch were also offered Monday-Thursday June 8-23, at SSMS, 865 Wildcat Way.