Tamara Williams was pleased that the her charity’s first fundraiser was such a huge success to benefit local emergency responders. Twenty teams competed in the golf tournament on Friday, June 10th at the Sulphur Springs Country Club followed by a dinner and banquet.

The Reinforcement Foundation was created by Tamara Williams, in conjuction with her husband and father, to bring awarness and help support emergency responders in Hopkins County. After needing emergency services in a rural area of the county, Tamara was so impressed with the care she received and the professionalism of the responders, she decided to start her foundation.
This first fundraiser was well attended by emergency repsponders, health professionals, and local businesses and individuals willing to do what they can to support Hopkins County emergency responders.

The foundation brought in a fellow firefighter/paramedic from Canada to speak during the dinner. Daniel Sundahl, who suffers from PTSD, continues his work as a paramedic and firefighter in Alberta, Canada and also utilizes his skill of photography to work through his PTSD. The majority of his art focuses on emergency services photography which he then enhances through computer aided technology. The resulting powerful images are reenactments of emergency scenes that Daniel organizes with the help of fellow workers. Daniel’s passion is reducing the stigma of PTSD and travels around the world speaking to colleagues in similar fields of work. More information about Daniel and examples of his work can be found on his website: Dansungallery.com

Other fun activites followed the dinner including a “ball drop” as hopeful supporters watched a helicopter hover and drop buckets of numbered golf balls with the numbered ball closest to the flag winning half of the money donated for the ball purchases. The band “Tyler and the The Tribe” followed up and entertained the guests into the night.