Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Watch for Intersection Changes at FM 69 and SH 11 in Como


Tim McAlavy
(903) 737-9213
[email protected]

Watch for Intersection Changes at FM 69 and SH 11 in Como

June 13, 2022,

PARIS – Texas Department of Transportation officials today announced that work to create a four-way stop at the intersection of FM 69 and State Highway 11 in Como, Texas, in Hopkins County is set for July 6.

TxDOT will place stop signs necessary to convert this intersection to a four-way stop in all directions, officials said. Advance warning signs and message boards will be placed near this intersection soon. The work to install the stop signs at this intersection should begin on July 6, weather permitting.

Motorists who frequently travel in this area are asked to pay special attention to all barricades, traffic controls and signs, and to reduce their speed as they approach and travel through work zones. They should also be prepared to encounter rough pavement and brief traffic delays, and should avoid distractions such as cell phones, eating, drinking, or car audio or navigation systems.

For more information, contact [email protected] or (903) 737-9213.


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Author: Matt Janson

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