CISD FFA Plans Back To School Bash, Class of 2023 Hold Pain Your Own parking Spot Fundraiser, Cheerleaders Offer Spirit Wear For Fans
With school only 2 weeks away, Cumby ISD students, staff and friends will want to make note of several upcoming activities and dates.
Parents of Cumby High School Volleyball and Cross Country teams are asked to meet at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, July 28, 2022, in the new gym in readiness for the season.
Two-a-days are salted to begin on Aug 1 for volleyball. Volleyball schedules are as follows: 8-11 a.m. Monday-Thursday, with scrimmages on Friday at a time as yet to be determined. Monday was designated ‘Merica Monday; Tuesday as Tie Dye Tuesday and Thursday as Neon Day. Wednesday was dubbed for Color Wars, with seniors instructed to wear white, juniors black, sophomores gray and freshmen maroon. Cross country practice starts at 6:30 a.m.; athletes should meet Coach Crumpton in front of the new gym. While water will be provided students are strongly encouraged to bring their own.
Cumby ISD teachers return to school next week, while students will return Aug. 10 for the 2022-2023 school year. New-to-the-district teachers will report for duty on Aug. 2. All Cumby ISD staff will report for staff development on Aug. 3-5 and Aug. 8-9. Students will begin classes Aug. 10, 2022.

Team Spirit wear is now available as well. Cumby Junior High Cheerleaders are selling caps, hats, tote bags, blankets, shorts, scarfs and shirts. Simply go online to download the form, select the desired items and either email the completed form to [email protected] or text the form to 903-742-2251 to order now. Order forms will also be available the first week of school from students. All orders are due Aug. 20, 2022.
The Class of 2023 is having a Paint Your Own Parking Spot fundraiser. For a fee of $25.00 (for Seniors) and $30.00 (for all other Cumby ISD Parking Permit holders) they will have the opportunity to paint their parking spot. All parking spot designs must be sent to Mrs. Megan Petty for approval. All details can be found by clicking this link.

School supply lists are available on the school website. Those who choose may purchase needed materials from Supply Kit, an online ordering company that packages the school supplies for participating school, then delivers them to the school before classes begin, provided they are ordered by the priority date. And a portion of all proceeds will be donated to the school’s PTO.
All students, parents or community members wishing to be part of Cumby FFA should plan to attend the Back to School Bash which begins at 6 p.m. Aug. 25, at The Ag Shop! The event will include burgers and hot dogs, important information pertinent to the 2022-2023 school years. This is open to all students in grades 3-12, their parents and community members interested in the Cumby FA program.. Students in grades 8-12 must be enrolled in an agriculture class to participate in Cumby FFA. Questions may be directed to Mrs. Megan Pruett at [email protected].