Sulphur Bluff ISD will begin classes on Aug. 8 this year, and after 2 weeks will be trying something new — classes will only be held 4 days a week after that. That’s right, students will not report for classes nor will buses run on Fridays after the second week of school.

School officials in the spring held an informational presentation for parents, then in March asked SBISD families to complete an online survey to share their thoughts on the potential for a four-day school week.
Some of the”pros” noted in favor of the four-day school week included:
- Making SBISD more competitive when it comes to teacher recruitment and retention
- Reduction of transportation costs for the district
- Reduction of energy costs for the district
- Increased attendance rates
- Flexibility for doctor and dental appointments for families
- Increased job opportunities for students. (They have a full extra day they can potentially be available for work!)
- Increased time for teacher planning
- More time with family
- Boost teacher morale
Some of the “cons” or potential negatives identified regarding the program included:
- A need for parents of younger students to find and afford additional childcare for younger students on Fridays while parents work.
- Lack of transportation to Friday athletic events
- Longer school days
- Lack of food sources for families in need on Fridays
Ultimately, after all surveys were in and comments from families considered SBISD has opted to go with a four-day school week, expanding the school hours from 7:55 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Monday-Thursday. However, students will be required to attend full five-day class weeks for the first
This will give students time to become acclimated to the new semester, then will adjust so they can use Fridays to work from home or whatever is needed. This should save the district some utility, fuel and other funds, and allow students to have three days for other activities, including catching up on school work.
This will still allow graduation to be held May 26, 2023. Student holidays will be Sept. 5, Nov. 21-25, Dec. 21-Jan. 2, Jan. 16 and March 13-17. Teachers will have in-service and work days Aug. 1-5, Aug. 26, Sept. 9, Sept. 23, Oct.7, Oct. 21, Nov. 4, Nov. 18, Nov. 21-22, Dec. 9, Jan. 6. Jan. 20. Feb. 3, Feb. 17, March 3, March 24, April 14, April 28, May 12 and May 26.
The district will use 9-week grading periods, with the first grading period Aug. 8-Oct. 6, the second Oct. 10-Dec. 20, the third Jan. 3-March 25, and the fourth March 20-25. That will give the district 153 school days.
Parents are reminded they will need to fill out the free and reduced -price meals form this year, in order for the district to meet USDA requirements for the program.
Parents can find school supply lists for their students in grades pre-kindergarten through high school on the Sulphur Bluff School Facebook page
Meet the Teacher will be held at SBISD from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Aug. 4, 2022, a the school.
Senior Cap and Gown photos are scheduled from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Sept. 7. The annual Sulphur Bluff Scholarship Banquet will be from 6 to 9 p.m. Sept. 29, in the SBISD Gym.