Public invited to comment on transportation projects
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(512) 463-8700
July 8, 2022
AUSTIN – TxDOT is seeking public input on the draft 2023 Unified Transportation Program (UTP), the state’s 10-year transportation plan. The UTP guides the development of projects around Texas to improve safety, address congestion and connectivity, and preserve roadways for Texas drivers. In addition to highway projects, the UTP addresses public transportation, maritime, aviation, rail, freight and international trade, and bicycle and pedestrian connectivity.
“The Unified Transportation Program is TxDOT’s road map to developing projects across the state,” said Executive Director Marc Williams. “It is important to work with our transportation partners and hear from the public to guide transportation improvements that address congestion and enhance safety across our state.”
The public comment period for the draft 2023 UTP begins Friday, July 8, 2022, and ends Monday, Aug. 8, 2022, at 4 p.m. (CST). Various methods to comment will be posted to the UTP Public Involvement webpage. The presentations and recordings for the previous public meeting and hearing will be available for viewing on the UTP Public Involvement webpage.
TxDOT works with its transportation partners to identify projects to be included in the UTP. Public comments and feedback are also very important in developing the plan. Available in English and Spanish, the UTP Fact Sheet can be found on the same webpage and provides an overview of the program. The Texas Transportation Commission approves the UTP in accordance with Texas state law every August during the commission meeting and publishes the approved UTP on
For media inquiries, contact TxDOT Media Relations at [email protected] or (512) 463-8700.