A 32-year-old Caddo Mills woman led police on a brief foot chase, then urinated in a patrol vehicle before being booked into jail on three misdemeanor charges early Sunday, according to arrest reports.

Police Officer Dustin Green reported seeing two vehicles stationary, blocking the road near the 1200 block of South Broadway Street. Green reported seeing the woman walking toward a maroon vehicle, yelling, as he approached at 12:23 a.m. July 17, 2022. He attempted to detain the woman, for further investigation of what was going on. She began walking away from the location.
She reportedly had noticeable red, bloodshot eyes and alcohol emitted from her. When he tried to obtain her ID, she allegedly ran away on foot. He gave her multiple verbal warnings to stop, but she failed to heed them. When he caught up to her, and tried to place her into custody, she allegedly pulled way and tensed her arms, making it difficult for the officer to put handcuffs on her.
When police attempted to put the woman in the patrol vehicle, she pulled away and let her body go limp. She claimed she needed to urinate. The officer advised her “not right now.” She urinated as soon as she got into the patrol vehicle, according to arrest reports.
Once secured in the back seat, the woman reportedly began trying to move the handcuffs from the back to the front. They secured them behind her, then took her to jail. She was placed into a V cell due to her behavior. She was officially booked into jail at 2:30 a.m. on an evading arrest or detention charge; resisting arrest, search or transport; and public intoxication, according to arrest reports.
The woman was released from Hopkins County jail Monday, July 18, 2022, on a $1,000 bond each on the misdemeanor evading charge and and the resisting charge.
SSPD Sgt. Matt Glenn is credited with assisting with the arrest.
KSST does not publish the names or photos of people charged with misdemeanor crimes in staff-generated reports, only those accused of felony offenses.