Candidate filing for local elections to be held this fall ends Monday afternoon, Aug. 22, 2022.
Filings include those for local political subdivisions such as city and school boards, as well as declaration of write-in candidacy for general, state and county offices. Aug. 22, 2022, is also the last day to order general elections and any special elections on a measure, according to Texas Secretary of State’s Office.
Currently, several rural school districts and at least one city council election are planned for November. However, in regular local elections being held in conjunction with the Uniform Election, the local government may cancel the election if only as many candidates sign up as there are places on each governing body. The names of candidates for special, state and county elections will still appear on the ballot in accordance with party selections determined in the spring.

The City of Cumby notes the deadline to file an application to be on the ballot in November is Monday, Aug. 22, 2022. Places on the ballot are for Alderman Places 1 and 2, and Mayor. Doug Simmerman has been serving as mayor, Amber Hardy as Place 1 Alderman and Katherine Flinn as Place 2 Alderman.
Each is for a 2-year term. Candidate applications are available and should be returned to the City Secretary by 5 p.m. Monday to get their names on the Nov. 8 Cumby City Council Election ballot.

Cumby ISD has three board of trustees seats up for election on Nov. 8. The seats are held by Jason Hudson, Jody Jarvis and Tony Aguilar.
According to school officials, only three individuals had filed candidacy for the three at-large seats, two incumbents and one newcomer as of Friday. Candidate filing will continue from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday in the Central Administration Building.

Miller Grove ISD has three at-large vacancies on the school board in November. As of last reporting from school personnel the district had not had more than three applications turned in.
Filing will continue from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, Aug. 22, 2022, in the superintendent’s office, 7819 FM 275 South. Applications for a place on the MGISD Board of Trustees election ballot may be downloaded from the school website,, by clicking the ELECTIONS link on the main page, then click Application for place on a ballot in a general election.

North Hopkins ISD has three 3-year places open and 1 unexpired term open. Currently, Charlie Vaughn, Sherry Clair, and Vicki Ferrell hold the 3 year term positions, and Robert McPherson holds the unexpired term position. Earlier in the week, Superintendent Brian Lowe reported following had filed for candidacy: Charlie Vaughn, Sherry Clair, Robert McPherson, and Michael James.
Anyone interested in filing for candidacy in the Nov. 8, 2022, NHISD Board of Trustees Elections may see Shannon Pennington in the Administration building, Monday starting at 8 a.m. to obtain a candidate application. Filing will close at 5 p.m. Monday, August 22, 2022.

Saltillo ISD’s trustees election is a little different. Candidates file for specific places on the school board. The district has four places up for election, Place 2 that is currently held by Ryan Garmon, Place 4 held by Barry Brewer, Place 6 which is open, and Place 7 held by Chip Tully. The deadline to file candidacy for any of the four four-year places on the school board is 5 p.m. Monday, Aug. 22, 2022.
Candidate applications are available at Saltillo ISD Administration Office, upon request by email by calling 903-537-2386. The application, forms, and instructions are also available online from the Secretary of State and State Ethics Commission websites.

Sulphur Bluff ISD is accepting applications for three full four-year term seats on the Nov. 8 trustees ballot. The filing deadline for a general election is 5 p.m. Monday, Aug. 22, 2022. The deadline to file a declaration of write-in candidacy is 5 p.m. on the 74th day before election day.
Candidates may pick up an election packet or request one to be emailed to them from the SBISD Administration Office, 1027 CR 3550 Sulphur Bluff, calling (903) 945-2460.The application, forms, and instructions are also available online from the Secretary of State and State Ethics Commission websites. Ballots can be mailed to PO Box 30, Sulphur Bluff, TX 75481 or emailed/faxed to [email protected] 903-945-3440.