Sulphur Springs ISD trustees approved 40 personnel changes at the regular August school board meeting held earlier this week.

Overall, SSISD Board of Trustees accepted nine resignations, and approved 23 new hires and eight in-district personnel changes. The changes involve every campus except Austin Academic Center, although the bulk of the personnel changes are at Douglass Early Childhood Learning Center, Sulphur Springs Middle School and Sulphur Springs High School.
According to SSISD Superintendent Michael Lamb, these changes should pretty well put the district at full staffing, with potential for only a couple of positions to be filled by aides or long-term subs to begin the school year.
Trustees officially accepted resignations Monday, Aug. 8, 2022, from SSHS teacher and Coach Timothy Aguillon, aide Meredith Rule and Fine Arts Coordinator Cindy Welch; SSMS aide Kerry Roy and SSISD Police Officer Dana Self; Douglas ECLC Head Start aide Brittany Aguilar; SSES special education aide Steve Johnson; Travis Primary Title 1 aide Amanda Walker; and Instructional Technology Director John Bimmerle, whose office was at the Administration Building.
New Personnel
New hires approved for SSHS included Lori Franklin to teach social studies, Kristin McKinney as a special education teacher and Jordyn Pennington as a business CTE teacher,
Approved to join the SSMS faculty and staff were Randall Wellman as assistant principal; Sandra Forshee as receptionist; Luciano Gallos, Layna Royar and Kwasia Timmons as special education aides; Leydie Moreno as a seventh grade math teacher; and Cortni Steele as an ISS aide.
Hired as an instructional interventionist at Sulphur Springs Elementary was Kristin Potts.
Kimber Combs was hired as a Title 1 aide at Rowena Johnson Primary. Joining the Barbara Bush Primary faculty and staff are Amie Cunningham as a special education teacher and Stephanie West as a special education aide. Itzel Figueroa was hired as counselor at Travis Primary and Liliana Reyes as a Title 1 aide. Bowie Primary gained Gabriela Lopez as a special education aide, Jerrilyn Posey as a Title 1 aide and Lilian Thomas as a special education resource teacher.
New to the Douglass ECLC campus are prekindergarten teacher Kayleigh Caudle, special education teacher Yasmin Espinoza and Head Start aide Marilyn Perez.
Kylie Koon is the new purchasing coordinator, working at the SSISD Administration Building.
In-District Changes
Half of the job/campus changes are at or involved Douglass ECLC, where four staff members will be swapping duties. Carrington Chancellor is trading duties as a special education aide for those of a Head Start 4 aide, while Brenna Jackson swaps from special education aide to Head Start 3 teacher, Stephanie Sifuentes switches from Head Start aide to special education aide, and Morgan Spencer is changing from from special education aide to Head Start aide.
Rachel Kistler will be trading her position as an instructional interventionist at SSES for duties as an academic specialist at Rowena Johnson Primary.
Justin SSISD Police Officer Justin Findley will be moving from Bowie Primary to SSMS, while Sarah Pence continues to serve as a special education aide but will be dealing with older students, moving from SSMS to SSHS.
And, rounding out the latest list of personnel changes is Brandi Boles, who will remain in the Special Services Department, but will change from educational diagnostician to special program specialist.