Local emergency responders took time to remember those who died Sept. 11, 2001 in the terrorist attacks on this country during a 9/11 Memorial Observence hosted at Hopkins County Fire Station on Friday morning, Sept. 9, 2022 (since Sept. 11, 2022 falls on a Sunday).
This is the fifth year a 9/11 Memorial Oobservance has een held at the fire station. HCFD Assistant Fire Marshal and Fire In Texas Instructor Rodney Caudle opened the ceremony, reminding those present the reason for the occassion — ensuring those emergency responders who lost their lives during the terror attacks on American soil on Sept. 11, 2001, are never forgotten for their sacrifice, giving their lives trying to save other victims.

“Times are changing, people are changing. The majority of people we encounter are glad we are here. There’s a few who have hate and resentment towards us. Let us remember that we can overcome any endeavor or feat by looking to God for help,” Caudle said “Let us remember that thy word is a lamp u ntil my feet and light untomy path. Let us stay forcused and help restore unity where evil has prevaled. God bless each and every one here.”
Joel Tiemeyer, who has served as a local chaplain for the fire department and is pastor at The Way Bible Church, sited Psalm 91:15, then offered a prayer of thanks for God’s protection and calling upon Him, “acknowledging that we need you now more than ever.” He also prayed offering remembrance for those who lost loved ones during the terrorist attacks, all the families that were affeccts, and “all the great heroes who gave their lives that day,” and calling on the Lord to continue to be with those who have surred through the tragedy, to wrap His arms around them. Then, in prayer, Tiemeyer offered thanks for the Lord’s goodness, faithfullness, “that we can stand here today, grateful for all the heroes who stand here today.” Tiemeyer called upon God, asking him to “bless this nation once again, and Lord Father, come through for us as you always have. And, we thank you for allowing us to come together today.”
Recruits from Fire In Texas academy filed in behind bagpiper Paul Watson, lining the driveway beside and behind the flag poles. Officers raised the three flags. Those present were asked to pledge allegiance to the USA and Texas flags. The FIT Academy officers also lowered the flags in memory of the many lives lost on Sept. 11, 2001, in the terror attacks.
Tribute was paid to those whose lives were lost over the emergency services radio, with all except emergency traffic asked to stop for a moment of silence and prayer for the occassion. After Watson played Amazing Grace, HCFD performed the ceremonial ringing of the bell from a fire truck, in five rounds of three. Over the radio, all were asked to take a moment to remember the firefighters, police officers and EMS responders called to action, who most will remember because they ran toward the danger when it struck on American soil on Sept. 11, 2001, for their help and sacrifice in this pivotal event in American history.
“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for a friend,” EMS officials stated over the itercom system. “Twenty-one years ago, 412 emergency responders, including 343 New York City firefighters, 60 police officers , 80 emergency medical technicians from EMS services and one patrolman from New York Fire Patrol ran towards danger and did not make it home to their families. Today, we honor their courage, commitment and sacrifice with a longstanding tradition in the fire service, with the tolling of the bells … indicating a firefighter has not returned or has fallen.”
All were asked to observe radio silence during that time, unless they had emergency traffic, while the HCFD engine bell was rung.
Before the 9/11Memorial Observance was over, Tamara Williams with The Reinforcement Foundation (a charitable organization dedicated to making a difference in the lives of first responders and their families, by supporing the men and women who make sacrifices every day while serving in the community) held a drawing for law enforcement. Chad Norris with Sulphur Springs Police Department’s name was drawn to receive a $125 gift card for GT Distributors.
Tiemeyer also offered a closing prayer, for peace today in this nation and His guidance, that the sacrifices that have been made never be forgotten, and that the legacy and spirt of God be caried forward in all as they go throughout the day.
Watson then played Taps as the recruits filed out to conclude the program.
Watson said it was an honor to be part of the 9/11 Memorial Observance. Fire recruits said it meant a lot to them to be asked to take part as well.
Also included among those attending the 9/11 observance Friday, Sept. 9, 2022, were members of SSPD, Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office, HCFD, Sulphur Springs Fire Department, Hopkins County EMS, volunteer firefighters, local judges and elected officials, and community members.