Improvements are planned on County Road 4760 this week. While that will be a temporary inconvenience for residents and motorists who travel the not quite 4 1/2 mile-stretch of road regularly, in the long run, it should mean better travel conditions.
According to Precinct 4 Commissioner Joe Price, road stabilization and chip sealing are among the long term goals for that and other county roads.
Crews began work on Tuesday, and will continue to work today, with one lane open for traffic. However, beginning Thursday and continuing Friday, the section of road being worked on will be closed to traffic as the work encompasses the width of the CR 4760. Once the machine begins spreading,the work must progress continuously for the best quality road. Price said those who do live on that stretch can call ahead to see if the workers are at a point they can stop to allow them to come in from one direction or the other.
The work will span along CR 4760 from State Highway 19 to Crounty Road 4759, with the section receiving improvements closed temporarily over the next two days. Price apolgizes for the inconvenience, but asks for CR 4760 and motorists’ patience while the road improvements are under way the next couple of days. Those traveling the road should plan a different route of travel other the section of roadway closed for work.