Sulphur Springs Livestock Commission
Public Information Services
NETBIO cattle sale Friday, Sept. 16
The Northeast Texas Beef Improvement Organization (NETBIO) will hold its next pre-
conditioned calf and yearling sale on Friday, September 16.
Cattle producers have consigned over 6,000 head of cattle to the sale, which will be held at the
Sulphur Springs Livestock Auction Market beginning at 1 p.m. The cafe will be open, and the cattle
will be penned for viewing before the sale.
Calves consigned to the sale would have been weaned by July 16 and had their boosting shots
by August 16.
Sulphur Springs Livestock Commission co-owner and NETBIO board member David Fowler
said NETBIO member-producers will have a lot of quality cattle in the sale. All the calves offered in
the sale will have been pre-conditioned through the NETBIO vaccination program and weaned at least
60 days in advance of the sale.
This auction will be broadcast on the Internet. Log onto LIVEAUCTIONS.TV. If you haven’t
registered, click on “register” and go through the steps. Internet buyers should register in advance in
order to bid. If you have questions, call the livestock market office.
For more information about the NETBIO sales and to register, call the Sulphur Springs
Livestock office at 903-885-2455 or visit their Web Site at