We have 3 Veterans who are going on the Dallas DFW Honor Flight to Washington DC from Hopkins County . These men and women will visit the memorials and have a banquet in their honor. There will be about 50 Veterans on this flight. They are being honored with a send off on Thursday September 22nd on the Courthouse steps at 11:30. Judge Newsome will speak and Brad Cummings will sing the National Anthem. We would like to have a large crowd downtown to honor these veterans and show our appreciation to them for their service to our country.
With these flights they have taken over 2000 Veterans to Washington DC. All of the Veterans travel free of charge. This trip is all about the veterans.
Each Veteran has a guardian/butler to carry their luggage and accompany them though out the trip. These guardians may be family members or one of our volunteers. Guardians are responsible for their own expenses.
A strong medical team (all volunteers) travel with each flight. Yes we are a sea of blue and red shirts as we travel through airports and around DC where we will cross paths with other honor flight groups from Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin and all over the country.
By the time they return Saturday night perhaps these great heroes will finally feel the gratitude and the honor for their sacrifices and service so many years ago. Yes this trip is all about our veterans – to honor these members of the greatest generations.
Those going on these 2 trips are:
Gerald Heard Army Viet Nam on flight 48 September 23 & 24
Faye Huffman Air Force Viet Nam on flight 49 October 21 & 22
Steve Huffman Navy Viet Nam on flight 49 October 21 & 22
The Community is encouraged to be at the courthouse to honor these Veterans. Program will only last 20 to 30 minutes. If you need more information or have questions please contact Lynda Hager 903 439 7231. We will be passing out flags.

Veterans Honor Flight
Thursday September 22, 2022
Place – Hopkins County Courthouse Steps
11:30 Welcome Judge Robert Newsome
Thank everyone for coming, K S S T, Newspaper, K-Lake, Front Porch News, Polly
Swatsell for Providing the flags, Lonnie Fox for the sound system, Remarks,
Introduction of Todays Honored Veterans – Other comments
Vietnam Army Gerald Heard Flight 48 September 23 & 24
Sulphur Springs Texas
Vietnam Air Force Faye Huffman Flight 49 October 21 & 22
Pickton, Texas
Vietnam Navy Steve Huffman Flight 49 October 21 & 22
Pickton, Texas
Pledge to the Flags: Danny Davis – Veterans Administration Officer/ County Treasurer
National Anthem – Brad Cummings
That Ragged Old Flag – Clayton McGraw
Prayer – Dr. Jeff Gravens – First Baptist Church
Song – Military Salute – Lonnie Fox
Honor Flights Information – Judy Rawson Heaps – Board Member of the DFW Honor Flights
Judy has been working on the board since she took her Dad Jean Rawson on
The first flight which was in May 2009
This is Flights 48th & 49th and will leave on Friday morning from DFW and return
Saturday night
Closing Remarks and Prayer – Judge Robert Newsome
For More Information Contact : Lynda Hager 903 439 7231