Sulphur Springs, Texas – The Board of Directors of the Hopkins County Health Care Foundation is pleased to announce the impending unveiling of Annie’s Room, located at the Medical Plaza and part of CHRISTUS Mother Frances Hospital – Sulphur Springs. Annie’s Room will be officially opened on Tuesday, November 15, with the ceremony beginning at 3:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend.

Annie’s Room was made possible through a generous gift from Leesa and Brian Toliver, in honor of their granddaughter, Annie.
Annie’s parents, Jonathan and Sally, learned while they were pregnant with Annie, that the then unborn baby had a congenital heart defect. This necessitated Sally to make frequent trips out of town to visit a team of specialists for checkups.
Through the 2022 Lights of Life Gala, the Foundation was able to purchase a 4D Video Sonogram machine to be used by patients in this same situation to benefit from telemedicine and to mitigate the stress, hardship and expense of frequent out of town trips for doctors’ appointments. This allows a Sulphur Springs doctor to coordinate care with the CHRISTUS Trinity Maternal – Fetal Medicine Program, located in Tyler, all while keeping the pregnant mom from having to travel.
When the doctors from the CHRISTUS Trinity Maternal – Fetal Medicine Program need to discuss a diagnosis, treatment or follow-up with parents, a room is needed for the doctor’s tele-visit. This room needs a large monitor, comfortable seating, and the ability for the room to be closed off so parents can converse with the doctors without interruption.
The Tolivers, realizing what a benefit this would be for Hopkins County parents, graciously offered to fund the room and name it in tribute to young Annie.
To find out more about the Foundation or funding opportunities to support local health care, contact the Hopkins County Health Care Foundation, an IRS 501 (c) 3 not-for-profit organization, at 903-438-4799.