Nov. 8, 2022 General Election ballots include multiple candidates for district, county and state offices, as well as certified unopposed incumbent candidates and options for voters to manually add certified write-in candidates.
Sulphur Springs ISD
Sulphur Springs ISD has called a bond election, asking district voters to casts ballots either for or against Proposition A:

The issuance of $81,500,000 of bonds by the Sulphur Springs Independent School District for Travis Elementary, Bowie Primary, Barbara Bush Primary, Sulphur Springs Elementary School and Sulphur Springs High School and purchasing school buses and levying the tax in payment thereof.
As explained by SSISD Board of Trustees, Superintendent and Facilities Committee, the $81.5 million bond would require a 1-cent increase to the Sulphur Springs ISD tax rate. This would be on the issuance and sinking (debit service) portion of the tax rate. When factored in with the 1.7-cent reduction in the maintenance and operations portion of the SSISD tax rate, would still be 0.7-cent less tax payers would play per $100 property valuation in ad valorem taxes than during the 2021-2022 tax year.
Saltillo ISD

Saltillo ISD is also holding a school board election. The school district opened filing over the summer for four places on the school board: Place 2, held by Ryan Garmon; Place 4 held by Barry Brewer; Place 6, which is currently open; and Place 7, currently held by Chip Tully. Each seat is for a 4-year term on the school board.

When filing closed on Aug. 22, incumbent Ryan Garmon was unopposed for Place 2 and incumbent Barry Brewer was unopposed for Place 4. Two candidates each had filed for Place 6 and Place 7, which are both on the Nov. 8 ballot.
Voters have the option of selecting either one or none of the candidates per place on the school board.
The two candidates for Place 6 on Saltillo ISD Board of Trustees are Mason Littrell and Josh Redar.
The two candidates for Place 7 on the Saltillo ISD school board are Jason Tully and Phillip Alcorn.

North Hopkins ISD

Voters in North Hopkins ISD will be asked to choose up to three of the four candidates seeking one of the three full-term seats on the school board. Because the election is at-large, the three candidates receiving the most votes will be elected to the school board.
Candidates for the full term seats on the North Hopkins ISD Board of Trustees include:
- Charles C. Vaughn
- Sherry Smiddy Clair
- Michael S. James
- Brian A. Lewis.
The ballot also contains one unopposed candidate, Robert. E. McPherson, who is seeking the seat for an unexpired term on the school board. NHISD voters have the option to vote for McPherson for the unexpired seat or to not vote at all for the unexpired seat on the school board.
Miller Grove ISD

Voters within MGISD are asked to cast ballots for up to three candidates for MGISD Board of Trustees.

The district had three individuals turn in their candidate packets by the August filing deadline, seeking three at-large seats on the school board, which would have allowed trustees to cancel the school trustees election with the three seats going to the three candidates — Brandon Darrow, Bret Garrett and Ray Sparks.
However, a fourth individual, Collin Alexander, filed as a write-in candidate for MGISD Board of Trustees Election just under the filing deadline, requiring a trustees election. So, while his name will not appear on the ballot, MGISD voters do have the option of writing in Collin Alexander as their choice to serve as a MGISD school board seat.
The MGISD seats are at-large, so the three candidates getting the most votes in the Nov. 8 election will be elected to a full term on the school board.
State and District Elections
Voters will have multiple candidates to choose for 14 state and US races, and some will even have an option to add write-in candidates, if they so choose, in up to four elections on the Nov. 8 ballots.
Write-in Candidates
Four state residents and one county school district resident were certified as write-in candidates. That means they met the terms to be on the ballot, but their names do not appear on the ballot. Voters who wish to vote for a write-in candidate must do just that, write their name in the blank on their election ballot.
While any name may be written on a blank line on the ballot, only the certified write-in candidate names will be counted, according to Texas Secretary of State’s Office. (In other words, if you write in John Doe or Mickey Mouse, and no one by that name has been certified, that nomination will not be counted for election purposes).
Write-in candidates for state and district offices that may be entered on Nov. 8 ballots include:
- Governor
- Jacqueline Abernathy
- Mark V. Goloby
- Commissioner of General Land Office
- Carrie Evelyn Menger
- State Board of Education, District 12, Member
- Rosiland Davis
- Miller Grove ISD Board of Trustees
- Collin Alexander
Opposed Candidates
State and US elections with opposed candidates include:

Unopposed Candidates
In Hopkins County, 9 candidates were unchallenged in their bids for reelection to their district, county and precinct offices.
Among the certified unopposed incumbent candidates for county and precinct offices in Hopkins County (which appear at the end of Hopkins County ballots) are the following:
- County Judge — Robert Newsom
- County Court At Law Judge — Clay Harrison
- District Clerk — Cheryl Fulcher
- County Clerk — Tracy Orr Smith
- County Treasurer — Danny Davis
- County Commissioner Precinct 2 — Greg Anglin
- County Commissioner Precinct 4 — Joe Price
- Justice of the Peace Precinct 1 — BJ Teer
- Justice of the Peace Precinct 2 — Brad Cummings

Thus, the above candidates, who are all Republicans, are declared elected and their names will be listed on the General Election ballot after the contested races under the “Unopposed Candidates Declared Elected-County” heading, according to the “Certification of Unopposed County and Precinct Candidates” signed Aug. 29, 2022, by the county election official and posted on the Hopkins County website, www.hopkinscountytx.org
Five people at the state level are also shown as “unopposed candidates declared elected-state.” Those unopposed state candidates on the Nov. ballot are as follows:
- Court of Criminal Appeals Judge, Place 2 — Mary Lou Keel
- State Senator, District No. 1 — Bryan Hughes
- State Representative, District 2 — Bryan Slaton
- 6th Court of Appeals District Chief Justice — Scott E. Stephens
- 6th Court of Appeals District, Place 3 Justice — Charles Van Cleef
All five of the unopposed state candidates which have been “declared elected” for lack of an opponent on the Nov. 8, 2022 ballot are also Republican candidates.
All voting centers throughout the state will be open during regular Election Day hours, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Nov. 8, 2022.