By Butch Burney
If you would like a crystal ball to see into the economic future, then you’ll want to get a glimpse of what the experts are saying at the annual Economic Development Luncheon, set for Wednesday, Dec. 14, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Hopkins County Civic Center.
Aaron Demerson, commissioner representing employers of the Texas Workforce Commission, is our keynote speaker. Mr. Demerson will present to Hopkins County the economic outlook for Northeast Texas for 2023. He serves as an advocate for over 555,000 Texas employers and his office provides a variety of resources, including training and assistance with hiring, managing and recruitment.
Tickets and tables are both available. Sponsorship tables are available on three different levels and individual tickets are sold for $20 each. For sponsorship opportunities or individual tickets, contact the Chamber at 903-885-6515 or email [email protected].
Sponsorships must be in by Nov. 25 to be included in the program.
Christmas Activities

If it’s November, it means Christmas is coming, and the Lions Club will help you get in the Christmas spirit when they host their 16th Annual Lighted Christmas Parade on Friday, Dec. 2.
If you’d like to register for the parade, contact the Chamber at i[email protected] and we can email you a form. Entries will be graded in three categories: large business, small business and non-profit.
The parade will start at 7 p.m.

- Also on that day, the city’s Christmas tree will be lit at 5:45 p.m. downtown.
- The Chamber will also be offering free photos with Santa at the Chamber office, 110 Main St., from 5-7 p.m.
- Christmas in Heritage Park will be from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 26 and Dec. 3. Admission is $3; children under 7 are free. You can visit with Santa, see light displays and live nativity, roast marshmallows and enjoy free hot cocoa and old fashioned cider. You can also start your Christmas shopping in the country store!
- RPM Staffing Professionals will host its 2nd Annual Stockings for Seniors, with donations directly benefitting Rock Creek Health and Rehabilitation. Donations items include but are not limited to chapstick, books, socks, denture cleaner, hand lotion, etc. Contact RPM at 903-439-1022 or drop off donations at 401 Church St., Suite B.
- First Baptist Church of Sulphur Springs will present Christmas at First, a celebration of the sights, sounds and the true meaning of Christmas, at 6 p.m. each day Dec. 10 and 11. Reserve your free tickets are
UPRA Rodeo

Fresh off its season-ending rodeo at the state fair, the UPRA rodeo association will get back to
ropin’ and ridin’ on the weekend of Nov. 18-19 at the Hopkins County Civic Center.
Performance times are 7:30 p.m. each night and will feature team roping, bareback, saddle bronc, bull riding, ranch bronc, steer wrestling, ladies breakaway, barrel racing, and tie down roping.
You don’t want to miss the chance to see these cowboys and cowgirls in action.
Be The Service
Do you know of a family in need of a meal this Thanksgiving? Be The Service is here to help. Join the Hopkins County Christian Alliance on Saturday, Nov. 19 as they give out 1,000 Thanksgiving meals to those who are in need. Each box of food comes with a turkey and other items for a Thanksgiving meal.
The food distribution starts at 10 am until 2 pm. The line for the distribution begins in the Sulphur Springs High School Parking Lot. When you arrive, follow the traffic attendant’s directions. Also, please fill out all the information on the registration card that an attendant will give you that morning.
Be The Service is an annual event sponsored by local churches right here in Hopkins County.

Ribbon Cuttings
Beauty Grace Lifestyle Shop hosted a ribbon cutting on Friday, Nov. 4, at their new location on
Connally Street, just a few doors down from the current building. Please welcome them to their
new store.

- The Barn of Emory, located at 550 Rain County Road 3425 in Emory, will have a ribbon cutting at 5:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 18. Following the ribbon cutting, there will be visitation with vendors, music and a movie. Corner Grubhouse will have a ribbon cutting for their new breakfast menu at 9 a.m. on Thursday, Nov. 17. Please join us.
- At noon on Thursday, Nov. 17, 101 Barbershop, located at 101 Bill Bradford Drive, will have a ribbon cutting. Please hel us welcome them.
- Hampton House Jewelry and Rockshop will host a 30-year ribbon cutting at their shop on Main Street at noon on Tuesday, Nov. 22. Please help us celebrate their achievement!