Bryan Crittendon and Robert Kerr have been awarded the Congressional Veteran Commendation. In a ceremony held on Thursday November 10th, 2022, standing with other distinguished veterans, Crittendon and Kerr were received by Representative Pat Fallon. Both Veterans are members of the Hopkins County Marine Corp League.
The ceremony was conducted at the Plano Flags of Honor in Plano, TX. The Plano East Rotary Club errects 1000+ American flags each November in honor of those who have served and continue to serve today.

The Congressional Veteran Commendation is a nominations-based program designed to recognize the wartime sacrifices and peacetime community involvement of Texas Veterans. Honorees are exceptional Americans in every way.

Bryan Crittendon served as a transport helicopter pilot and obtained the titles of Captain and Pilot. As a Military Chaplain, he ministered to active troops, and continues that work at his church. He has become certified as an Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Trainer.

Kerr was a squad leader at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego. He served in Viet nam as a Squad Leader, and was also an Ammunition Technician. Kerr was also awarded a Purple Heart during his service in Viet Nam. Kerr is the Judge Advocate of the Hopkins County Marine Corp League.