Paris — Here’s a look at work planned in the district for the week starting Nov. 21, 2022. These schedules are subject to change due to weather conditions, equipment failure or other unforeseen issues. Motorists are advised to remain alert and pay special attention to all signs, barricades and traffic controls, and reduce their speed as they approach and travel through work zones. They should also avoid distractions such as cell phones, eating, drinking, or car audio or navigation systems.
Sherman Area (Fannin, Grayson Counties)
Contacts: Sherman Area Office (903) 892-6529; Grayson Co. Maintenance (903) 893-8831; Fannin Co. Maintenance (903) 583-7566.
US 75, Grayson County: from FM 1417 to SH 91 (Texoma Parkway). Watch for shoulder closures and lane shifts on the northbound and southbound US 75 main lanes between SH 91 and FM 1417 as crews work on building new main lanes, bridges, and retaining walls. Watch for lane closures on the frontage roads between FM 1417 and SH 91. A reduced speed limit of 60 mph on the US 75 mainlanes has been set for this construction project.
The southbound lanes for SH 91 are closed at the US 75 underpass for crews to complete construction on the new southbound US 75 overpass as well as complete storm drainage work. Motorists traveling southbound on SH 91 will be detoured along the northbound US 75 frontage road to Taylor Street where they will make a left on Taylor Street and another left on the southbound frontage road. The roadway is expected to reopen to traffic on Nov. 22, weather permitting, with future daytime closures needed in order to set bridge beams and panels. This work is currently scheduled for Nov. 30 thru Dec. 3.
The northbound and southbound US 75 frontage road intersections with Center Street have been converted to an all-way stop condition. Traffic on the frontage roads is asked to pay attention to the advanced warning signs and new stop signs, and approach the intersection prepared for a stop there.
Lamar Street and Houston Street under US 75 are closed to through traffic with detour signs in place to guide motorists around these intersections.
Eastbound Lamar Street traffic will turn right on the southbound US 75 frontage road, turn left on Center Street, and turn left on the northbound US 75 frontage road to return to eastbound Lamar Street. Video animation of this detour can be seen at the following link.
Westbound Houston Street traffic will turn right on the northbound US 75 frontage road, turn left on Washington Street, and turn left on the southbound US 75 frontage road to return to westbound Houston Street. Video animation of this detour can be seen at the following link.
These switches will allow crews to reconstruct the proposed US 75 mainlanes and the bridge over Lamar and Houston Streets. The US 75 northbound frontage road traffic is reduced to one travel lane, but two travel lanes remain for northbound US 75 mainlane traffic. A concrete barrier separates the northbound frontage road and mainlane traffic. Video animation of this alignment can be seen at the following link.
For southbound US 75 the frontage road traffic is reduced to one travel lane, but two travel lanes remain for southbound US 75 mainlane traffic. A concrete barrier separates the southbound frontage road and mainlane traffic. Video animation of this alignment can be seen at the following link.
US 75, Grayson County: at the US 82 intersection. Watch for shoulder closures on the northbound and southbound US 75 main lanes between South Loy Lake Road and Lamberth Street as crews work on building new exit and entrance ramps. Watch for shoulder closures and lane shifts on the eastbound and westbound US 82 main lanes between FM 131 and Loy Lake Road while crews work on building new exit and entrance ramps. Watch for lane closures and lane shifts for the frontage roads at the US 75 and US 82 intersection as crews work on construction of new frontage road lanes.
FM 1417, Grayson County: from US 82 to SH 56. Watch for lane shifts and shoulder closures between US 82 and SH 56 while crews construct the new roadway pavement. The ultimate roadway will be a four-lane divided section with turn lanes. A reduced speed limit of 45 mph has been set for this construction project. The West Cypress Grove Road intersection on the east side of FM 1417 is closed to through traffic to allow crews to work on paving at the intersection. During the closure, traffic wishing to use Cypress Grove Road is asked to use Mimosa Drive and Redbud Trail as a detour route. Mainlane traffic has been switched to the new concrete section between Lamberth Street and SH 56. The Lamberth Street intersection on the west side of FM 1417 is currently closed to through traffic to allow crews to work on paving at the intersection. During the closure, traffic wishing to use Lamberth Street is asked to use Taylor St. and Little Lane as a detour route. The Lamberth Street closure is expected to last three weeks.
Roland Road at the South Branch of Big Mineral Creek is closed to traffic in order for crews to replace the bridge structure and approaches. During the closure, traffic is requested to use either US 377 or County Line Road as a detour.
South Travis Street, Grayson County: in Sherman at Post Oak Creek. Construction is underway for the South Travis Street bridge over Post Oak Creek. During construction, the bridge will be reduced to one lane with traffic signals controlling traffic through the project, while the new bridge is built in phases.
Business US 377B, Grayson County: in Whitesboro from Randy Street to Walnut Street. Watch for daytime lane closures as crews work to construct sidewalks and curb ramps. Motorists should expect delays as flaggers and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone.
Business US 377B, Grayson County: south of Whitesboro at the railroad underpass near US 377. Watch for lane closures with signals controlling traffic while crews work to upgrade the bridge railing.
US 75 full depth concrete repair, Grayson County: Crews will be working on US 75 each week from Sunday night through Friday morning during the overnight period. Lane closures will be present at night for crews to replace failed concrete sections. Lane closures will begin at 7:30 p.m. each night and should be reopened to traffic by 6 a.m. This work will extend from the Collin-Grayson County line to the Oklahoma State line.
FM 1753, Grayson County: from FM 120 to FM 1897. Watch for daytime lane closures as crews work to rehabilitate and overlay the roadway.
FS 121 (Grayson Parkway), Grayson County: from the Collin County line to FM 121. Construction is ongoing on this new-location roadway which is west of SH 289 approximately four miles. The new roadway will be two lanes with shoulders and will be an extension of the frontage road of the Dallas North Tollway. Local traffic on CR 60 (Marilee Road) and Stiff Chapel Road should expect occasional road work at those intersections, with flaggers present to control traffic. Work on FM 121 at the FS 121 intersection (formerly Scharff Road intersection) is ongoing as crews work to widen the pavement to add turn lanes. Motorists on FM 121 should expect daytime lane closures while crews widen the pavement and install a culvert.
US 377, Grayson County: Willis Bridge at the Oklahoma State line. Watch for occasional lane closures on the existing bridge as workers pour concrete for the new bridge structure.
US 75 debris pickup, Grayson County: from Collin County line to Oklahoma State line. Watch for mobile lane closures as workers pick up debris from the roadway every Monday and Thursday during the nighttime.
SH 34, Fannin County: from FM 64 to FM 1550. Watch for occasional daytime lane closures as workers build the new SH 34 bridge over the future Lake Ralph Hall as well as the approaches to the bridge.
FM 824, Fannin County: from SH 56 in Honey Grove to the Lamar County line. Watch for temporary one-lane closures as workers rehab and widen the roadway.
FM 1550, Fannin County: from County Road 3330 to SH 34. Watch for temporary one-lane closures as workers rehab and widen the roadway.
SH 121, Fannin County: from the Collin County line to SH 56. Watch for temporary daytime lane closures and shoulder closures as workers install sloped end treatments on pipes and install guardrail.
Sulphur Springs Area (Hopkins, Franklin Counties):
Contacts: Sulphur Springs Area Office (903) 885-9514; Franklin Co. Maintenance (903) 537-4976; Hopkins Co. Maintenance (903) 885-4031.
FM 1536, Hopkins County: from SH 19 to FM 71. Watch for lane closures and short delays as crews place pavement markings on the roadway.
Paris Area (Delta, Lamar, Red River Counties)
Contacts: Paris Area Office (903) 784-1357; Delta Co. Maintenance (903) 395-2139; Lamar Co. Maintenance (903) 785-4468; Red River Co. Maintenance (903) 427-3561.
SH 37, Red River County: from US 82 to Texas-Oklahoma state line. Watch for temporary lane closures while crews resurface the roadway.
US 271, Red River County: from SH 37 to Titus County Line. Watch for temporary lane closures while crews resurface the roadway.
FM 906, Lamar County: from FM 2648 to CR 47400. Watch for temporary lane closures while crews rehabilitate the existing pavement and improve drainage structures.
FM 38, Lamar County: from US 82 to US 82. Watch for temporary lane and shoulder closures while crews improve drainage structures and upgrade bridge rail and metal-beam guard fence.
FM 195, Red River County: from the Lamar County line to SH 37. Watch for temporary lane and shoulder closures while crews improve drainage structures and replace bridge rail.
FM 1487, Red River County: from FM 909 to FM 910. Watch for temporary lane closures while crews widen and rehabilitate the existing pavement and improve drainage structures.
Loop 286, Lamar County: from FM 1497 around the North Loop to FM 1507. Watch for temporary lane and shoulder closures while crews improve guardrail and drainage structures, perform bridge maintenance, and make crossover closures.
Loop 286, Lamar County: At Collegiate Drive intersection and the westbound FM 195 exit ramp. Watch for temporary lane and shoulder closures while crews improve guardrail and drainage structures, perform bridge maintenance, and make crossover closures.
FM 64, Delta County: from FM 128 to SH 1532. Watch for temporary lane closures while crews rehabilitate the existing pavement and improve drainage structures.
FM 2675, Delta County: from Lamar County line to FM 128. Watch for temporary lane closures while crews rehabilitate the existing pavement and improve drainage structures.
CR 3440, Delta County: at Jennings Creek. Watch for road closure while crews replace the existing bridge.
CR 15100, Lamar County: at a Branch of Cuthand Creek. Be aware that the road is closed while crews replace the existing bridge.
BU 271 (North Main Street), Lamar County: from Santa Fe Street to 0.25 Miles North of Stone Avenue. Watch for temporary lane closures while crews install sidewalk.
FM 411, FM 1159, FM 1699, FM 2283, US 82 and US 37, Red River County: Watch for temporary lane closures while crews remove debris from recent storm damage.
FM 1499, FM 906, FM 2820, FM 79, FM 1510, US 271 North, and FM 197, Lamar County: Watch for temporary lane closures while crews remove debris from recent storm damage.
Greenville Area (Hunt, Rains Counties)
Contacts: Greenville Area Office (903) 455-2363; Hunt Co. Maintenance (903) 455-2303; Rains Co. Maintenance (903) 473-2682.
CR 1032, 1031 and 2132 bridge replacement project, Hunt County. The contractor has set barricades and advance warning signs. The contractor has reopened the CR 1032 bridge. The contractor has removed the existing CR 2132 bridge. The proposed drill shafts, abutments and west bridge deck have been constructed. The bridge deck curing is in progress and the contractor is awaiting to start the roadway flex base. Please be aware of workers and watch for work zones when traveling in this area.
SH 224, Hunt County: The contractor has placed barricades and warning signs along with the detour route. The contractor has poured the abutments and caps. Grading and placing stone rip rap is presently occurring. Beams have been set and preparations are underway for the deck pour. Please be aware of this construction, detour route and workers in the area.
FM 275, Rains County: from SH 19 to FM 514. The contractor worked on laying profile tracks and RPMs and placing the final SETs on the driveway culverts. The contractor performed hand work on the SH 19 intersection. The contractor is cleaning up the area and working on final punch-list items. Please be aware of workers and watch for work zones when traveling in this area.
SH 276, Hunt County: from FM 36 to SH 34 (Quinlan Bypass). The contractor is working on the west and east tie-ins and the widening of SH 34. The contractor is finishing up drainage and inlet placement for the project. The contractor is working on SH 276 and SH 34 concrete paving to complete the tie-ins. Work has begun on the project sidewalks and signals. Please be aware of lane closures and watch for work zones and workers when traveling in this area.
FM 38 & I-30 Bridges: The contractor plans to clean and paint exist structure on SH 56 location. Overhead bridge repairs on I-30 east bound have continued. Contractor is prepping to pour stabilized backfill at west abutment under I-30 near the Sabine River. The contractor also plans to resume 18-inch backfill soon if conditions will allow. The contractor plans on beginning joint repair and bridge rail repair in early 2023.
SH 66, Hunt County: SH 66 at FM 1570, SH 34 at FM 1570. The contractor will continue signal work at SH 66 at FM 1570 and SH 34 at FM 1570. The contractor will be partially removing islands and extending box culvert at SH 34 and FM 1570.
Maintenance crews for both Hunt and Rains County will be performing various overlay on I-30 and FM 36 and potholing operations. Rains County maintenance crews will be performing seal prep on FM 35 from SH 276 to Rockwall County line and FM 2101 from SH 34 to FM 1564. Hunt County crews will be working on bridge and culvert repairs on FM 903 and IH 30. Crews will be installing mailboxes, delineators, and signs in various locations. Please be careful when traveling in these areas, watch out for workers and maintain a safe distance from work crews.