AUSTIN, TEXAS – Last week, Representative Bryan Slaton, HD-2, filed legislation which would finish building the wall along the southern border with Mexico, as ordered by President Donald Trump during his term in office. HB 209 would empower the Texas Department of Public Safety to use the Border Security Enhancement Fund to construct a wall along the border while meeting minimum federal specifications.
Representative Bryan Slaton issued the following statement:
“Texas is under an invasion, and we need this border wall now more than ever. The human trafficking, crime, and illegal drugs that the cartels are bringing over our borders have reached unprecedented levels. Over 100,000 people died from illegal drugs last year alone. This is truly a crisis. While the whole nation is affected by the situation on our border, Texans are suffering the most. We must act.”
Representative Slaton filed similar legislation during the 87th legislative session.
Representative continued, saying, “The border wall is an issue of national and state security, and should not be a partisan issue. I am filing this bill because the federal government is failing to protect our citizens, so Texas must protect herself.”