Additional Full-Time School Bus Drivers Needed
Sulphur Springs ISD Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education and Human Resources Justin Cowart Friday morning, Nov. 4, 2022 issued a letter to parents via the school Blackboard notification system letting them know that, due to students’ competitive successes and a shortage of full-time drivers, buses could run later than usual next week.

Below is Cowart’s notice:
Sulphur Springs ISD Parents & Guardians
Our staff and students have done an amazing job this year and we could not be prouder of them. SSHS students have been extremely successful in competitions this year. Today, our cross-country girls team is headed to state. The volleyball team made the playoffs, and the football team has clinched a playoff spot. Our Wildcat band is headed to state marching contest next week.
Due to the number of activities going on next week, Nov 8 - 11, we are working to cover transportation with our certified drivers and sub drivers. We are wanting to make you aware that your child(ren) may be picked up in the morning or dropped off in the afternoon later than usual.
If you are a parent/guardian who has the ability to drop off or pick up your student(s), we invite you to do so next week. This will help ease the possible delays for transportation. If you can’t do this, your child will still have a ride to and from school. We just ask for patience and understanding.
We are needing additional full-time school bus drivers. If you or someone you know is interested, please contact our Transportation Director Rob Huizinga at [email protected].
Reminder: Monday, November 7th, is a student holiday.