Sulphur Springs City Manager Marc Maxwell Tuesday evening, Nov. 1, 2022, presented to to the City Council in a Memorandum as well as aloud the following monthly manager’s report:
We had 1 workers compensation that required surgery in October. A police officer injured his knee while in training. We did not have any liability claims.

I have signed the contract with TDHCA. We have sent the contract out to bid, and we will open bids on November 16. Expect to approve the bids at the December 6 regular city council meeting.
XLNT Construction has ordered the steel frame for the pavilion. The lead time is 4 months. I don’t expect to see any more activity at Pacific Park until February. At that time, XLNT will construct the building in about 90 days.
When the pavilion is complete, we will demolish the old basketball courts and grade the interior of the park. Then we will install irrigation and sod.
The contractor needs to construct several driveway approaches and other miscellaneous items. We decided to construct the intersection at College and Jackson ourselves. The intersection will have brick crosswalks, and it is just too complicated for this contractor. The contractor signed a deductive change order, and the Capital Construction Division will begin soon.
Further east, the Capital Construction Division has installed 771 feet of storm drain, 6 inlet boxes and 4 junction boxes to eliminate the flooding problem at Ramsey Street.
Finance Director Lesa Smith will present the year-end report of revenues and expenditures.
Texana Land and Asphalt will begin repaving the following streets next week: Como, Drexel, Fisher, and Bonner.
Bad news for the residents on Ardis Street. Atmos is about to replace a gas line on that street, so we have decided to delay Ardis Street until Atmos completes the gas line replacement project.
The various repairs to Commercial Services Drive will be performed in-house.

Elsewhere around the city, employees:
• Conducted 41 building inspections, 18 electrical inspections, 19 plumbing inspections, 1 mechanical inspection and issued 20 building permits.
• Made 19 extensive street repairs following utility cuts.
• Repaired 25 potholes.
• Removed 3 fallen trees from city streets.
• Hauled street sweeper spoils to the landfill.
• Hosted the Senior Olympics.
• Sowed winter rye in on Celebration Plaza.
• Removed dead trees from city parks.
• Hosted 1 soccer tournament and 2 baseball tournaments.
• Prepared the Grays Building for 11 rentals.
• Performed repairs at Kids Kingdom.
• Responded to 222 calls for animal control while achieving a 61% adoption rate.
• Made 5 felony arrests in the Special Crimes Unit.
• Responded to 2,362 calls for police response.
• Responded to 46 accidents, issued 535 traffic citations, recorded 26 offenses and made 46 arrests in the Patrol Division.
• Responded to 239 fire/rescue calls including 3 structure fires,1 vehicle fire and 3 grass fires.
• Conducted 30 fire inspections.
• Performed preventative maintenance on 78 fire hydrants.
• Checked out 3,028 items from the library plus 679 eBooks.
• Installed lights on end caps of the Hopkins County Veterans Memorial walls.
• Upgraded the electrical service at fire station #1, making the solar panels operational.
• Installed 2 new lights at Buford Park.
• Performed preventative maintenance on various items at the water treatment plant and wastewater treatment plant.
• Treated effluent to a daily average total suspended solids reading of .20 mg/L.
• Hauled 256 tons of sludge to the landfill.
• Repaired 19 water main ruptures.
• Replaced 22 water meters.
• Unstopped 15 sewer mains.
• Flushed 40 dead-end water mains.
• Sold 2,996 gallons of AvGas and 13,560 gallons of JetA fuel.
• Accommodated 1,198 operation (takeoffs or landings) at the airport