The Geral Kennedy Chapter of the National Technical Honor Society inducted 42 new members during a special ceremony conducted Monday evening, Dec. 5, 2022, in Sulphur Springs High School cafeteria.
After Chapter President Kamilah Martinez welcomed everyone to the induction program, Vice President Isabelle Thesing lead the pledges to the US and Texas flags. Chapter Secretary Olivia Worth explained the history of NTHS, while Treasurer Natalie Negrete explained the purpose.
The SSHS NTHS is named in honor of Geral Kennedy, the first vocational director at SSHS during the 1966-1967 school year, and was responsible for getting the machine shop, vocational office education, marketing and distributive education, industrial cooperative training and vocational education for the handicapped. He retired in 1985 after 37 years in education, 19 with SSISD and 18 in Lamar County.
NTHS honors student achievement and leadership, promotes educational excellence, award scholarships, and enhances career opportunities members. The motto is “Excellence in America’s Workforce Begins with Excellence in Workforce Education.”
SSHS Director of College and Career Readiness/CTE Jenny Arledge explained the minimum criteria each student must meet in order to apply for membership in NTHS. The applicant must be classified as a junior or senior and have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.5. The candidate must also have been enrolled and/or completed a minimum of three Career & Technical Education courses, and be a current member of a Career & Technical Student Organization.
Martinez, Thesing, Worth and Negrete lit candles to symbolize the eight attributes of NTHS: knowledge, skill, honesty, service, responsibility, scholarship, citizenship and leadership.
SSHS students under consideration as candidates for NTHS regularly exhibit the characteristics which have been observed by his/her instructor(s):
- a desire to pursue a career in his/her course of study,
- scholastic achievement,
- honesty,
- dependability,
- responsibility,
- high quality task performance and pride in work performed,
- cooperation and ability to work well with others,
- interest in learning,
- initiative,
- leadership, and
- citizenship
Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher and NTHS advisor Debbie Stribling then called the name of each new member, who received a certificate of membership. Each then was asked to join Martinez in reciting the pledge of membership. New member inducted Dec. 5, 2022, include:
- Josleline Arenas
- Jayden Arledge
- Madelynn Bailey
- Peyton Ball
- Kody Barclay
- Coen Bell
- Makieya Boren
- Chloe Cameron
- Rylie Carroll
- Levi Caton
- Betzy Chacon
- Austin Chaney
- Celeste Chavarria
- Asia Chen
- Kylie Clarke
- Juan Garcia
- Maria Garning
- Lily Glenn
- Jaci Haire
- Hector Hernandez
- Payton Hooks
- Lorelai Lilley
- Ryan Mitchell
- Kathryn Monk
- Jacqueline Monroy
- Ivan Mora
- Holden Moss
- Katlyn Noe
- Emerson Penny
- Tomi Pirtle
- Annaston Price
- Emmi Price
- Osvaldo Rodriguez
- Brook Seagraves
- Catherine Starzyk
- Alexis Tanton
- Alan Tellez
- Daphne Valles
- Anna Williams
- Macey Williams
- Peyton Willis
- Jolee Wilson

Also recognized were 44 students who are 2-year members of the Geral Kennedy Chapter of National Technical Honor Society. They include:
- Jayla Abron
- Mali Maeker
- Carlos Alba
- Kamilah Martinez
- Lithzy Alvarez
- Trentin McKinney
- Jack Bain
- Mykylie Meador
- Brylee Brock
- Matthew Mitchell
- Mattie Bridges
- Natalie Negrete
- Luke Caton
- Lausen Ost
- Matthew Clarke
- Ella Ray
- Alexander Cooper
- Alfredo Renteria
- Catherine De La Rosa
- Jose Manuel Rodriguez
- Daniel Elam
- Mattye Schmidt
- Andres Flores
- Brooklynn Shackelford
- Jonah Foster
- Brooklynn Shelton
- Kinley Friddle
- Robert Lynn Smith III Smith
- Colbie Glenn
- Emily Soto
- Martha Gonzalez
- Rebekah Stanley
- Makayla Grinnan
- Isabelle Thesing
- Cole Haney
- Briley Vice
- Jadyn Harper
- Addisyn Wall
- Zoe Haywood
- Merrin Williams
- Laney Hurst
- Olivia Worth
- Jillian Jumper
- Khira Young
Afterward, NTHS members and those attending the induction cermeony were invited to stay, take photos and enjoy refreshments provided by the Culinary students, courtesy of Senior NHS members, while the room was being reconfigured for the National Honor Society meeting that followed.