A 40-year-old Annona, Texas woman was jailed Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 20, 2022, on a federal warrant, according to arrest reports.

Sulphur Springs Police Lt. Mark Estes took Crystal McLin Lipe into custody at 2 p.m. Dec. 20, 2022, in the 8th Judicial District Courtroom on a federal warrant for tampering with a consumer product.
According to arrest reports, the 40-year-old Annona, Texas (a town located southeast of Clarksville in Red River County) woman was investigated by the Federal Drug Administration and Drug Enforcement Administration. The investigation resulted in in federal warrant being issued for the tampering with a consumer product charge, Estes noted in arrest reports.
Texas Penal Code Title 5, Chapter 22, Section 22.09 defines tampering with consumer product as follows:

Lipe was taken into custody in district court and transported to the county jail, where she will be held until federal officials can transport her to a Sherman facility, according to arrest reports.