Due to record low temperatures, the Carter BloodCare had to cancel the blood drive slated at the hospital Friday, Dec. 23, 2022. The bus was unable to maintain the correct temperature range needed to collect the blood donations to help bolster area blood supplies through the holidays.. The blood drive has been rescheduled for next Wednesday, December 28, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Carter BloodCare has been holding on strong to maintain a safe supply entering the holiday season. However, with high schools out and donors traveling, it will be difficult to maintain the supply if donors do not give blood over these next couple of weeks. CHRISTUS Mother Frances Hospital-Sulphur Springs asks those in Sulphur Springs on Dec. 28 who are able to please consider stopping by the Carter BloodCare bus to donate blood in the front hospital parking lot to ensure area medical facilities have the blood supplies needed.
To schedule an appointment, call 800-366-2834 or go to https://ww2.greatpartners.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/136519, or stop by during the drive.