The Blue Santa Toy Drive has received several generous donations this year from businesses, individuals and groups, including several bicycles donated by Sulphur Springs Corvette Club. The drive continues until 7 p.m. Dec. 2, 2022, and as of Friday morning was still far behind the usual pace. According to Hopkins County Sheriff Lewis Tatum, so far, they’ve only had about one-third of the donations the program usually receives.
Dedicated local law enforcement officials will remain in Walmart parking lot behind the South Broadway Street convenience store (on the far west side of the property) in the cool wet weather to accept both toy and monetary donations for Blue Santa Program, which benefits Hopkins County children ages 1-14 for Christmas. Those discouraged from getting out in the rain can make donations from wherever they are, if they have a smart device or internet access. Use the Blue Santa QR code (see flyer) to make a donation.

If you don’t have lunch plans already, stop by the Blue Santa Toy Drive to get a sack lunch which includes a barbecue brisket sandwich, chips, dessert and a drink provided by CJ Duffey and Choice Hospice for $5 each. All proceeds will be donated to Blue Santa. These lunches will include a barbeque sandwich, a bag of chips, dessert, and a bottle of water.
If you purchase five or more lunches and are located within the city limits of Sulphur Springs, the Hopkins County Sheriff’s Posse, Sulphur Springs Police and Fire Department, and the Hopkins County Sheriff’s Deputies and Fire Department will deliver them. Call 430-252-9096 to schedule delivery or reserve your brisket lunch.
Blue Santa program will also be participating in the Lions Club’s Annual Lighted Christmas Parade Friday night. If you miss them at Walmart, bring you new unwrapped toy donation to hand to Blue Santa’s helpers as they pass by.
The Blue Santa Toy Program has also placed blue barrels at stores, businesses, financial institutions, car dealerships, nursing homes and other facilities around the community to receive new unwrapped toy donations. These blue barrels will have the Blue Santa seal and a Blue Santa QR code should any wish to make an electronic monetary donation.
Friday, Dec. 2 is also the last day those seeking assistance in providing toys for their children for Christmas to apply to Blue Santa for help. Sign up applications are available online at until December 2. Toy distribution for approved recipients will be from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 10, at First United Methodist Church, located at 301 Church Street in Sulphur Springs.
For additional information, contact CANHelp at 903-885-9797, ext. 3, or the Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office at 903-438-4044.