Sulphur Springs City Manager Marc Maxwell Tuesday evening, Dec. 6, 2022, presented to the City Council in a Memorandum as well as aloud the following monthly manager’s report:
We did not have any workers comp claims in November. We did have two liability claims. One was for damage to a Frontier cable allegedly caused by city employees. The other claim seeks reimbursement for a tire and wheel after a driver struck a valve cover in the street.
Award of the construction contract for the Senior Citizens Center is on this agenda for approval.
XLNT Construction has ordered the steel frame for the pavilion. The lead time is 4 months. I don’t expect to see any more activity at Pacific Park until February. At that time XLNT will construct the building in about 90 days.
When the pavilion is complete, we will demolish the old basketball courts and grade the interior of the park. Then we will install irrigation and sod.
College Street is open down to Patton Street. We decided to construct the intersection at College and Jackson ourselves. The contractor needs to construct several driveway approaches and other miscellaneous items to complete his work in Phase 1.
Further east, the flooding problem at Ramsey Street has been resolved. We will now start Phase 2 of the project from Patton to Como. After that we will turn our attention to Holiday Drive.
Finance Director Lesa Smith will present the year-end report of revenues and expenditures.
Texana Land and Asphalt paved Drexel Street this month and they should finish with Bonner Street tomorrow.
Bad news for the residents on Como Street. Atmos is about to replace a gas line on that street, so we have decided to delay Como Street until Atmos completes the gas line replacement project. We delayed Ardis Street last month for the same reason. We expect
to pave both streets in 2023.
Staff also pulled Fisher Street off the list. We think Fisher is a candidate for a full reconstruction project due to a water main issue. We will bring this issue to you at a future meeting.

In November, I executed the raw water sales agreement with the Upper Trinity Regional Water District that the city council had previously approved. I also retroactively authorized the transfer of approximately 915 million gallons of evaporative loss onto the city’s books. This represents all of the evaporative loss for Upper Trinity beginning June 1 and ending November 30. I expect a check for approximately $245,000 this month.
Elsewhere around the city, employees:
- Responded to 164 animal control calls while achieving an 81% adoption rate.
- Made 6 felony arrests in the Special Crimes Unit.
- Responded to 26 accidents, wrote 479 citations, recorded 34 offenses and made 43 arrests in the Patrol Division.
- Sold 2,170 gallons of AvGas and 11,530 gallons of JetA fuel.
- Accommodated 1,503 operations (takeoffs or landings) at the airport.
- Repaired 299 potholes.
- Removed 2 fallen trees from the roadway.
- Cleaned storm drains twice.
- Replaced 2 stop signs and 3 street signs.
- Installed stop signs and yield signs for a new development.
- Installed new 4-way stop signs at College and Jackson/J.D. Franklin.
- Conducted 44 building inspections, 34 electrical inspections, 26 plumbing inspections, 7 mechanical inspections, and issued 28 building permits.
- Installed Christmas lights/décor downtown.
- Fertilized rye grass areas.
- Mowed Municipal Airport twice.
- Hosted 2 softball tournaments.
- Repaired Christmas light circuits.
- Repaired school zone lights.
- Repaired the service center car wash.
- Performed preventative maintenance on numerous items at the water treatment plant and wastewater treatment plant.
- Treated wastewater to a daily average total suspended solids reading of .33 mg/L.
- Disposed of 150.36 tons of sludge at the landfill.
- Repaired 15 water main ruptures.
- Replaced 18 water meters.
- Unstopped 24 sewer mains.
- Responded to 203 calls for fire/rescue including 1 structure fire, 2 vehicle fires and 2 grass fires.
- Performed 25 fire inspections.
- Performed preventative maintenance on 72 fire hydrants.
- Checked out 2,781 items from the library and an additional 590 eBooks