Winnsboro Police Department each week provides a media report with information about department activity. WPD activity for the week of Dec. 5-11, 2022, included:

- Elizabeth Willis, 37 years of age, of Sulphur Springs, was arrested on 12-8-2022 on a Hopkins County Warrant for Possession of a Penalty Group 1 Controlled Substance.
- Jeremy Nash, 34 years of age, of Scroggins, was arrested on 12-8-2022 on a Violation of Bond Conditions charge.
- Brian Fannin, 44 years of age, of Winnsboro, was arrested on 12-09-2022 on a Winnsboro Municipal Court Warrant for Operating an Unregistered Motor Vehicle.
- James Brassfield, 41 years of age, of Winnsboro, was arrested on 12-10-2022 on a Winnsboro Municipal Court Warrant for Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility and Operating an Unregistered Motor Vehicle
- Kaleigh Butler, 20 years of age, of Winnsboro, was arrested on 12-11-2022 on Possession of less than 2 Ounces of Marijuana in a Drug Free Zone.
Calls for Service
The Winnsboro Police Department responded to a total of 104 calls for service during this reporting period.
The Winnsboro Police Department issued 19 citations and 28 warnings during this reporting period.