Sulphur Springs City Council during the regular meeting Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2023, took time to recognize 11 employees for their service to the city.
Mayor Doug Moore presented service pins to city employees who’ve hit new 5-year milestones this year.
“When I first got on this council, I didn’t realize what it took to run this city, and I do now. I especially realize what a great bunch of employees the city has. I’m aware of that now. These service pins are in recognition of years of service,” Moore said.
Jameison Hawkins and Cpl. Chris Rosamond were both recognized for 5 years of service as police officers, while Tory Niewiadomski was recognized for 5 years as community development director.
Library Director Hope Cain was recognized for 10 years at the library and Driver/Engineer Bruce Millard for 10 years with the fire department
Firefighter John Lambert and Driver/Engineer Joseph Evans were recognized for 15 years, and Fire Chief David James for 20 years of service with the fire department.
Chief Jason Ricketson was recognized for 25 years of service with the police department.
Special recognition was given for Russ Nuss, who also served the city for 25 years, becoming the Director of Public Works.

“As you all know we lost one of our own, Russ Nuss, in December, and his wife, who was unable to attend tonight, wanted us to read this into the record,” said City Manager Marc Maxwell, before reading the following letter submitted by Nuss’ wife of 39 years, Lori:
I will not be attending the presentation of service pins, but if I were there, this is what I would want to say: In the Bible, in the book of Ecclesiastes it says a 'Man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work.' Russ found satisfaction in working for the city, was proud to say he worked here, and told many people that it was a good place to work. Thank you for a good 25 years, Lorie
Human Resources Director/Assistant City Manager Gordon Frazier was honored for 35 years of service to the city.
Additional city employees have been recognized for their service as well, but either were unable or chose not to attend the Jan. 3, 2023 City Council meeting to receive their pins.
(Be sure to watch for information on the additional personnel recognized by the City this year. This was the first time in three years the city has been able to meet in large groups and recognize individuals reaching work milestones.)