Sulphur Springs High School HOSA News

1st picture Mrs Ridner Aubrey Crawford Ms Martinez Mac McCoy Mrs Welch
Mrs Ridner, Aubrey Crawford, Ms Martinez, Mac McCoy and Mrs Welch

Two Sulphur Springs High School students placed and one advanced to State this past weekend in the HOSA Leadership Competition. HOSA is the statewide program of student lead activities designed to develop future leaders for the health care system. SSHS students Mac McCoy placed 4th on Round two in Healthy Lifestyles and Aubrey Crawford placed 2nd and advanced to State in speaking skills where she will compete in March in Round Rock, Texas. Sponsors took an amazing group of kids, and they ALL did a great job. Due to district placement by HOSA, SSHS studests were competing against 6A schools and preparatory schools. Jenny Arledge, SSHS CTE director said, “We have never been prouder to be a part of SSHS!!!”

Faculty Sponsors for HOSA Students:
Amy Ridner
Karla Martinez
Shannon Welch

2nd picture Julie Olivio Alex Cooper Jacquie Monroy Kate Monk Natalie Wallace Ms Martinez Jayden Eskew Mrs Ridner Mrs Welch Mac McCoy Aubrey Crawford Graham Mayo Daniel Elam Edwin Enriquez Cathy De la Rosa Lindsey Plumley Sydney Mitchell
Julie Olivio, Alex Cooper, Jacquie Monroy, Kate Monk, Natalie Wallace, Ms. Martinez, Jayden Eskew, Mrs. Ridner, Mrs. Welch, Mac McCoy, Aubrey Crawford Graham Mayo Daniel Elam Edwin Enriquez Cathy De la Rosa Lindsey Plumley Sydney Mitchell

Author: Matt Janson

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