Sulphur Springs ISD has called a special Board of Trustees work session, which will begin at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 4, 2023, in the board room of SSISD Administration Building, 631 Connally St.

Dec. 12, 2022, Updates
Administrative Reports
At the regular December 2022 meeting, Sulphur Springs ISD Trustees approved five personnel changes, made 2 appointments. The board also heard at least five administrative reports and updates, including:
- A curriculum report that included STAAR redesign items presented by Assistant Superintendent Lisa Robinson;
- Primary and Secondary Campus updates, including some exciting campus “firsts” reported by Assistant Superintendents Jeremey Lopez and Justin Cowart;
- Information on maintenance work orders routine maintenance across the district, presented by Director of Maintenance Dan Froneberger; and
- Bus plans, roof update, classrooms at SSHS, and Raptor updates, presented by Superintendent Michael Lamb.

The school board reappointed Bryan White and Mike Horne to represent the school district on Hopkins County Tax Appraisal District Board of Directors.
The resignation of Kylile Wyly as secretary at Barbara Bush Primary was accepted by the school board during the December 12, 2022, meeting. Kourtney McDonald will be switching jobs, going from Title 1 aide to fill the opening as campus secretary at Bush Primary. Alexandra Best was approved to fill one Title 1 aide opening at Bush.
Brittany Jones was approved to join the staff at Bowie Primary as a Title 1 aide, an opening created with the retirement of Sherril Brokmeyer.
The final staff change approved during the Dec. 12, 2022, board meeting was for Barbara Bloodgood to remain an instructional aide, but to work at Sulphur Springs High School instead of at Austin Academic Center.
Financial Rating
District Business Manager Sherry McGraw reported the district received an A rating for superior achievement on the district Financial Integrity Rating System with a score of 100. That puts SSISD among 890 districts out of the 1,019 state-wide to earn a superior rating base on 2020-2021 financial data in responses to 20 indicators.
The FIRST report also includes a financial management report which includes any reimbursements received by the superintendent and school board members. The superintendent’s contract had to be included, plus any additional meal,, lodging, transportation, fuel, and other reimbursements. The superintendent received $852.67 in reimbursements for meals, transportation and registration fees for attending training and/or conferences. Trustees Robbin Vaughn, Jason Dietze, John Prickette, Leesa Toliver, Kerry Wright and Craig Roberts each received a $100 reimbursement: $40 for meal and $60 for other fees such as registration for training. Robert Cody received $112.74 reimbursement for the same.
Campus Updates
Assistant Superintendent Jeremy Lopez provided six comprehensive spread sheets with professional training, updates, past and future events, campus specific professional development activities, employees and students of the month, attendance percentages safety checks and other drills, and other campus highlights for Douglass ECLC, the four primary campuses and SSES. These are busy campuses with many good things going on.
Assistant Superintendent Justin Cowart reported the following among the “good things” going on at Middle School:
- 21 students were selected to the All-Region Choir;
- more than 40 qualified for All-Region Band, 3 earning first at region;
- several 8th grade band members accompanied the Wildcat Band to state, including three who helped win 4th in state;
- students have competed in 5 events and are gearing up for the VEX robotics competition Jan. 21, under the direction of Kelly Shutt and Bryan Cole; and
- Cross Country Girls finished third at district and Boys finished first.
Cowart reported the following from the 6 pages of “good news” at high school presented to the school board in December:
- Cross Country Team won district and qualified for state for the first time in school history;
- Tennis team qualified for area for the first time in school history; the first ever Meet the Wildcats was held in the fall;
- Student Council raised $600 for In My Closet by selling pink out shirts, and helped with landscaping and visited with residents at Sulphur Springs Health and Rehab, participated in Wreaths Across America, partnered as mentors to read one-on-one with SSES student council, and raised funds for CASA through the Great Christmas Light Challenge;
- Wildcat UIL finished second overall Nov. 12 in Whitehouse, and one student qualified for state and another was selected as an alternate in UIL Congress events;
- Key Club had the largest membership of 446 students, who helped host 200 student athletes at Special Games Day, 300 paired up one-on-one to read with SSES and primary students, paired up with over 400 students for Handicapable Rodeo;
- NHS and NTHS hosted two blood drives that exceeded the donation goal and are planning to host another in March;
- The 1 remaining orchestra student participated in the All Region Orchestra Dec. 2-3;
- Choir students advanced to Area, with three earning first chair, and are headed to All State competition this month;
- 2 HOSA members advanced to Area and others will attend Spring Leadership competition this month in Allen;
- BPA offered the professional closet and are slated to compete Jan. 31 in Wylie for a chance to advance to state in March;
- FCCLA are preparing for area competition in February;
- TAFE had the most ever compete at Area, with 11 advancing to state, including the first place Area ethical dilemma team; and
- FFA in addition to participating in various stock show with successes, the floral department is making monthly flower arrangements and competed, teams participated in build-offs and ag mechanics evens, and built ramps for the Handi-capable Rodeo, and are planning for spring contests.