April 6, 2023- Texas House Of Representatives has passed a Bill Wednesday that would eliminate paper temporary license plates throughout Texas. With the passing of the Bill, paper licenses plates would be replaced by metal plates to battle the increasing problems with fraudulent paper tags often sold illegally online.
Dallas Democrat Sen. Royce West and Fort Worth Republican Rep. Craig Goldman have filed similar bills to combat the problem. Senate Bill 2567 and House Bill 718 are theses Bills. Fort Worth Republican Rep. Craig Goldman has stated that the plate change would not occur until 2 years after approval. This would allow time for the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and dealerships across the state to adjust to the change.
Robert Braziel, CEO of legislative affairs for the Texas Automobile Dealers Association, said he hopes the Bill will eventually include some alternative option to hard plates for when they are not in stock.
Just last year Texas Department Of Transportation made changes to their Paper Temporary Tags. See Original Story Here:
Some Features of the Previous Tag Designs Included
- Texas flag watermark.
- Enhanced depiction of tag expiration date, vehicle year and make, and name of issuing dealer.
- Identification of the specific type of tag issued.
- Font selection and size that maximize readability of primary components.
- Active and passive security features identifiable by law enforcement.
- Numerous pieces of embedded data and text, linked to law enforcement databases, that can be created only by internal TxDMV computer systems.
However despite the changes made to the tags, fraudsters still managed to copy the tag and create fakes within hours of its release.