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Cumby Police Stop Speeding Vehicle: Find Drugs

June 26, 2023 – Cumby Police stopped a Range Rover near mile marker 111, Sunday afternoon. The vehicle was travelling eastbound at 94 miles per hour.

The driver, BRIAN STEWART ROBERTSON age 48 of Grapevine TX, was found to be out-on-bond with restrictions. Those restrictions forbid him to be in contact with a certain woman and child. A woman and child were seen inside the vehicle. Robertson was asked to exit the vehicle. As he did, he stuffed something between the front two seats. When questioned about what he had stashed there, he gave several excuses and was evasive and deceptive.

Police asked for permission to search the vehicle and Roberson consented. Between the seats police found a small bag containing cocaine.


Robertson was restrained and placed in a patrol car. His bond was set at $30,000 and he is charged with:

1   481.134(D)  POSS CS PG1/1B <1G DFZ IAT 481.115

The female passenger’s purse was searched and revealed a full bottle of THC gummies. BAKAJ, CELESTE age 29 of Frisco, explained that a ‘Buddy’ had given her the THC at a party.


Bakaj’s bond was set at $10,000. She is charged with:

1 481.116(D) POSS CS PG 2 >= 4G < 400G

Due to the proximity of a park, their charges were enhanced. Both Robertson and Bakaj were transported to Hopkins County Jail without incident. The Range Rover was impounded.

If you have an emergency, dial 9-1-1

The Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office is located at 298 Rosemont Sulphur Springs, TX 75482. You can reach them for non-emergency matters at (903) 438-4040.

Author: KSST Webmaster

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