Sulphur Springs, TX – Tables will go on sale on Saturday, June 24 for the popular Designer Handbag Bingo. Tables include eight packets which allow players to participate in the ten regular rounds of bingo. Additionally, each packet includes a drink ticket and an entry card for door prizes. Designer Handbag Bingo will be held on Thursday, August 3. This is a fundraiser for the local nonprofit, the Hopkins County Health Care Foundation.
Tables run $550 and will be available online at Add on items, such as cards to play in the two bonus rounds, additional drink tickets, additional game cards, as well as additional game packets are also available online in advance. To purchase these items, a ticket for the evening is required.
A raffle for a mystery designer handbag valued at approximately $2,000 is also available online and anyone, attending the event or not, may purchase tickets. If not attending, the winner may pick up the handbag locally the next day.
To learn more about the event, visit the Designer Handbag Bingo website at
The Foundation is an IRS 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit that is now in its 26th year of serving Hopkins County. All funds raised are used to improve local health care by purchasing equipment or funding programs through CHRISTUS Mother Frances Hospital – Sulphur Springs and the Hopkins County Hospital District.