A robotics coding camp offered at Paris Junior College still has openings in the Greenville and Sulphur Springs free one-week camps. Made possible by the Texas Workforce Commission, the camps are for students entering the sixth, seventh, or eighth grades in the 2023-24 school year.
Openings are available in the June 26-30 and July 24-28 camps at the PJC- Sulphur Springs Center and the July 10-14 and July 31-August 4 camps at the PJC- Greenville Center. Applications must be received ten days before the first day of the selected camp. Important forms and the camp application may be found at https://www.parisjc.edu/downloads/coding-camp-flyer.pdf.
The Robotics Coding Camp will allow students to explore the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math. By using a snap-together robotics system, students will be able to design, build and code an endless variety of robots; watch code come alive on a physical robot and apply key STEM skills. By familiarizing students with coding, programming sensors and automation, they hone critical computational thinking skills needed to succeed.
Enrollment is limited and priority is given to foster youth, students with disabilities, students from low income families, and students from populations underserved in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math). Campers will work with Sphero Bolt robots and RVR+ programmable robots each camp day. They’ll be able to take the RVR+ robots home after the camp ends. Those may later be built upon and customized at the family’s discretion.
Camps are Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Students may be dropped off at 8:45 a.m. and picked up by 3:15 p.m. Submitting an application does not guarantee acceptance; parents or guardians will be notified if their child has been selected.
For questions or additional information, please contact 903-782-0447. The application may be emailed to [email protected], faxed to 903-782-0443, or dropped off at the PJC Continuing Education Department in Paris or at the PJC- Greenville or PJC-Sulphur Springs by the deadline of 10 days in advance of each camp’s start.