Sulphur Springs ISD: 18 Resignations, 29 New Personnel And 24 Personnel Changes
Bloodgood, Barbara was Aide at Austin
Bohman, Carrie was Geometry at High School
Bost, Kellie was Grade 1 Teacher at Bowie
Bramblett, Kenzie-Lou was Math Co-Teach at High School
Carns, Emily was Special Ed Aide at SSHS
Crawford, Dara was SPED Aide at Bush
Evans, Jason was Director State & Federal Programs at Admin
Gallo, Luciano was SPED Aide at SSMS
Lair, Tandee was SPED Teacher at Bowie
Moore, Lena was Grade 2 at RJP
Perez, Victorino was Inst. Aide at SSES
Potts, Nancy was Head Start Teacher at Douglass
Rivera, Claudia was Grade 3 Teacher at Travis
Shaver, Brandon was Boys Basketball/PE at SSHS
Taylor, Cyndi was Grade 3 at Bush
Tubb, Rachel was Grade 4 ELAR/SS at SSES
Werry, Skyler was Math Co-Teach at SSMS
Willey, Heather was Title 1 Aide at SSES
New Personnel
Bedell, Melodi to Grade 7 ELAR/Coach at SSMS replacing Saylor Barrios/Jill Crump
Bengston, Marisela to SPED Aide at Johnson replacing Taylor Rouleau
Bloodgood, Barbara to Title 1 Aide at Bowie replacing Brittney Jones
Cardenas, San Juanita to Title 1 Aide at SSES replacing Heather Willey
Crawford, Jonathan to Auto/Construction (SDTP) at SSHS replacing Lou Gebel
Earp, Cannon to PE/Head Boys Basketball at SSHS replacing Brandon Shaver
Earp, Samantha to Counselor SSHS replacing Jamie Ladd
Foster, Taylor to Grade 3 ELAR at Bush replacing Nerli Mejia
Gillham, Barbara to SPED Resource at Bowie replacing Tandee Lair
Herfel, Heather to Culinary Arts at SSHS replacing Joel Skipper
Hill, Kiersta to Campus Secretary at Middle School replacing Sara Brown
Ivery, Rashid to PE/Coach (DOI) at Middle School replacing Coy Rozell
King, Carrie to SPED Aide at SSHS replacing Jessica Phillips
Lair, Tandee to SPED Self-Contained at Bowie for New Position
Morris, Ariel to Grade 3 Math at Bush replacing Dalia Torres
Page, Rachel to Grade 3 Reading at Bowie replacing Chasity Hebert
Plumlee, Christina to SPED Aide at Johnson Primary for New Position
Portillo, Jasmine to Special Programs Secretary at Middle School for New Position
Postlethwait, jinjer to SPED Teacher at Johnson Primary for New Position
Reeves, Sierra to Title 1 Aide at Johnson replacing Pam Hooten
Saucier, Regina to SPED Teacher at Middle School for New Position
Schroeder, Jaidyn to Title 1 Aide at Bowie replacing Brian Giguere
Smith, Presley to Grade 1 Teacher at Bush replacing Kellie Bost
Speed, Harley to Academic Secretary at Bush replacing Jenna Vickery
Stone, Danette to Special Ed Aide at Johnson replacing Dara Crawford
Tifft, Misty to SPED Aide at SSMS replacing Angelica Walker
Timmons, Jurreka to Title 1 Aide at Johnson Primary replacing Kimber Combs
Vermillion, Janet to SPED Aide at SSES replacing Jamia Hall
Werry, Skylar to SPED Math Co-Teach at SSMS replacing Stephanie Phillips
Personnel Changes
Bain, Tanya former Grade 5 ELAR / SSES new position Grade 4 ELAR/SSES replacing Rachel Tubb
Bohannon, Kayla former Grade 2 Math / Bush new position Math Support /Bush replacing Jovona Schmidt
Chapman, Katy former Grade 1 Math /Bush new position Grade 2 / Bush replacing Swap w/Hannah Crowson
Cooper, Patricia former Behavior Interventionist/SSES new position Grade 2 / Johnson replacing Melinda Page
Crowson Hannah former Grade 2 ELAR / Bish new position Grade 1 / Bush replacing Swap w/Katy Chapman
Fisher Brandy former SPED Aide / SSHSSPED Co-Teach replacing Kristin McKinney
Geeslin Laura former SPED Aide/Douglass new position Head Start Aide/Douglass replacing Brayden Garrett
Hebert Chasity former Grade 3 ELAR / Bowie new position Grade 3 Math / Bowie replacing Kimberly Isonhood
Hooten Pam former Title 1 Aide/ Johnson new position SPED Aide/ Johnson for New Position Hunt
Jamilyn former Grade 2 Math/Johnson new position Grade 4 Math/SSES replacing Harlan Hill Isonhood
Kimberly former Grade 3 Math / Bowie new position Grade 5 ELAR / SSES replacing Tanya Bain
Mejia Nerli former Grade 3 ELAR / Bush new position Grade 2 / Bush replacing Kayla Bohannon
Miesse Allison former Behavior Intervention/SSES new position SPED Behavior/ Johnson for New Position
Miller Patricia former Grade 7 Math/SSMS new position Algebra 1/ SSHS replacing Kenzie Bramlett
Moore Lena former Grade 2/Johnson new position Grade 3 Math/Johnson replacing Kimberly Smith
Page Melinda former Grade 2 / Johnson new position Literacy Support / Johnson replacing Holly Thompson
Peters, Amy former SPED Resource/SSMS new position SPED Teacher/SSHS replacing Maria Garcia-Hidalgo
Phillips, Jessica former SPED Aide(1:1)/SSMS new position SPED Aide/SSMS replacing Nadia Orozco
Robinson, Nina former SPED Aide / Bush new position SPED Self-Contained/Bush replacing Kayla Jackson
Rouleau, Taylor former SPED Aide/Johnson new position Library Aide/ Johnson replacing Harley Kerby
Smith, Kimberly former Grade 3 Math/Johnson new position Grade 2/ Johnson replacing Lena Moore
Spencer Morgan former Head Start Aide/Douglass new position SPED Aide/Douglass replacing Bailey Early
Tingle Megan former CTE Graphic Design/SSHS new position Media Integration/SSHS replacing Mindy Meador
Williams, Josh former Principal/SSHS new position Grade 7 Math/SSMS replacing Alma Del Castillo