(Austin, Texas) – Joe Bob Burgin, board member of the Hopkins County District and CHRISTUS Trinity Mother Frances Northeast Texas (TMFNT) Board of Directors, has been elected Board Chair of the Texas Healthcare Trustees (THT). A statewide non-profit organization, THT provides education, training, and resources to those serving on governing boards of hospitals and health care systems in Texas.
“We are excited to have Joe Bob serve on the THT board. We have worked with him over the years through his involvement in our annual Health Care Governance Conference and his service on the THT Board of Directors. It’s fortunate timing: as a rural trustee himself, we know he will provide helpful perspective and put a spotlight on rural hospitals who currently face critical challenges coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic. He will bring tremendous expertise as the leader of our organization,” said Amy Eskew, president/CEO of the THT.
Burgin is a native of Sulphur Springs. When he and his wife decided to start and raise their family in Sulphur Springs he ran for the local hospital board, at the time it was named Hopkins County Memorial Hospital, to make sure his family and community are able to access and receive high quality health care. Burgin has served on the board since, overseeing the evolution, expansion, and successful merger of the hospital, which is now called CHRISTUS Mother France Hospital – Sulphur Springs.
Burgin continues to serve on the Hopkins County District Board and the CHRISTUS TMFNT Board. He also serves on the Texas Hospital Association Board of Directors. Burgin and his family are owners of Joe Bob’s Convenience Stores, which has five locations throughout Hopkins County.
About the Texas Healthcare Trustees
Austin-based Texas Healthcare Trustees is the only statewide association where members are the governing boards of Texas hospitals, health systems and health-related organizations. THT’s mission is to cultivate informed leaders in health care governance, which it does by providing education, resources and leadership development for its members to help them lead and navigate the dynamic environment of health care. Membership includes more than 450 governing boards. THT is the oldest trustee organization in the country, founded in 1961, and is affiliated with the Texas Hospital Association. For more information about THT, visit www.tht.org