Sulphur Springs, TX – The Hopkins County Health Care Foundation’s Designer Handbag Bingo tickets may be sold out, but if you still want a chance to win a luxury designer handbag, then do not delay! Purchase a ticket for the Mystery Handbag Raffle featuring a gorgeous handbag from a top designer. Tickets are available at until they are sold out. Only 350 tickets are being sold at $20 each.
Jordan’s Place Pediatrics provided funding for the mystery bag, which is valued at over $2,000. The bag is a timeless beauty that will compliment any woman’s wardrobe for years to come. Watch for hints about this luxury bag on the Foundation’s Facebook page.
The winner of the mystery handbag will be drawn during Designer Handbag Bingo will be held on Thursday, August 3. The winner need not be present. The bag will need to be picked up from the Foundation office.
Designer Handbag Bingo is now in its 4th year of operation. Funds raised are use to benefit Hopkins County residents through the purchase of medical equipment and/or health related programs.
To learn more about the event or to get your raffle ticket, visit the Designer Handbag Bingo website at
The Foundation is an IRS 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit that is now in its 26th year of serving Hopkins County.