SSISD Approves $1.13 Million Pay Raise
Sulphur Spring ISD has approved on Monday a $1.13 million pay raise for Teachers, Nurses (RN), Librarians, and Counselors. Additionally the school board also approved a 3% of midpoint increase for all employees not on the teachers pay scale. That was approved for both hourly and exempt employees.
The teacher pay scale was adjusted to bring each step within market median. The adjustments vary on each step due to the fact that some steps were further from market median than others.
The SSISD School Board has stated that they are in the process of working with TASB to complete a salary study of our pay scales for all employees to determine market value and competitiveness.

$1,000 above for Masters, $2,000 above for Doctorate.
$1,500 above for Elementary Counselor, $2,000 above for Middle School Counselor, $3,000 above for High School Counselors.