September 14, 2023 – Sulphur Springs, TX – In 2006, the project of the very first Hopkins County Health Care Foundation Lights of Life Gala was to fund the establishment of the Gardens at Memorial. The gardens were intended as a quiet place for patient families to sit or walk the meandering pathway in order to think, pray, reflect, or just relax.
It took two years and two Galas and other fundraising projects to pay for the beautiful park that flanks the hospital building. Back then, the hospital was owned by the Hopkins County Hospital District and was named Memorial Hospital.
In 2016, the Hospital District partnered with CHRISTUS Health to establish what is now known as CHRISTUS Mother Frances Hospital – Sulphur Springs. The Gardens have continued to be a vital part of the CMF-SS campus, with the hospital keeping the grounds well-maintained.
The Gardens at Memorial have been a healing place since they were established. They not only serve the families of hospital patients, but are often a favorite spot for hospital associates, as well as the EMS staff, to regroup. Caregivers of all types find respite in the Gardens.
Dotting the walking track are several benches which were donated in honor of or in memory of individuals. Additionally, plaques are often installed to memorialize and recognize community members, family members, and Hospital Auxiliary volunteers. There is even a soothing water feature on one end of the rectangular shaped park.
At the July meeting of the Foundation board, the directors heard a request from CMF-SS President and CEO Paul Harvey asking for financial support to replace the wooden benches. The original benches were worn beyond repair. The proposal was approved, and the new benches, bearing the original placards, have been installed. Now families and staff members once again have a place to sit, to reflect, to rejuvenate, and to soak in the beauty of nature.
The Hopkins County Health Care Foundation was founded in 1997 and is an IRS designated 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization.

Photo – Gardens 2: The Gardens at Memorial provide a serene and beautiful place for hospital patients, families, and staff.

Photo – Gardens 3: A new replacement bench at the Gardens at Memorial. The new benches were provided by the Hopkins County Health Care Foundation.