December 22, 2023 – The Hopkins County Commissioner’s Court has narrowed down their selection to replace Clay Harrison as County Court at Law Judge. The Commissioner’s have selected local attorney John Ginn to take the oath on January 2, 2024 providing no interruption as Harrison will step down on January 1st of the new year to enter private practice in the Sulphur Springs area.
Hopkins County Judge Robert Newsom said, “we received applications from several viable candidates in the area, but ultimately the Commissioner’s court determined John Ginn to be the best person to fill the position vacated by Clay Harrison.”
The Hopkins County Court at Law Judge position is described as follows:
This court serves Hopkins County by hearing and resolving cases, including the following areas of law: family; civil; criminal misdemeanors; Class C appeals; probate; guardianship and mental health. Other cases may be heard by assignment pursuant to subject matter jurisdiction.
The records of this court are maintained by both the District Clerk and County Clerk For certified copies of court documents, please contact the Clerk’s Office.