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Local Teachers Have Wish Lists For Their Classroom and Students

December 5, 2023 – It’s a common occurrence with Public School Teachers, if you have an idea that can help your student learn, you will probably have to fund it out of your own pocket. Sometimes classroom supplies such as Kleenex, dry erase markers, calculators and color printers can require teachers to purchase them outright.

School budgets are always tight. Funds aren’t always available for classroom projects aimed at helping student learn.

This can be an even bigger issue in classrooms of children with extra educational needs.

Many educators say their districts simply aren’t supplying everything their students need to be engaged, comfortable, and ready to learn. Multiple surveys, including one by the U.S. Department of Education, show that 94 percent of teachers reach into their own pockets to purchase classroom necessities. NEA

So what is a teacher to do?

The get creative… Some teachers are exploring an online ‘wish list’ website for their classrooms.

Mrs. Sanchez is a first grade teacher in the SSISD.

Teachers provide their plan and details about what is needed, and how it will be used. Then they let the internet work for them.

Mrs. Sanchez is one such local teacher. She is trying to get support for her students. She and other teachers in the areas are using a site called Donors Choose to generate funds and in turn help their students.

Our campus does not have a campus printer for teachers to print in color regularly. Having it for several activities or other papers needed would help to make it child-friendly. Then, laminating the printed activities guarantees they will last longer for future use.

I have found that it all helps the classroom run smoothly and they love the prizes! From Mr.s Sanchez’s Donors Choose Page

Mrs. Sanchez stopped by KSST for an interview this week. She cares deeply for her students and hopes to spread the word about classroom needs, and generate some funds for her own project.

The website has an interactive map that you can use to locate projects like Mrs. Sanchez’s across the nation. Here is a link to Mrs. Sanchez’s Request Page.

You can hear that interview in the 8 o’clock hour.

Use of the website, Donors Choose, is endorsed by the SSISD.

Author: KSST Webmaster

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