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Report of Reckless Driver Earns Driver Multiple Charges for Drug Possession

Braydon Dean Law

December 14, 2023 – Sulphur Springs Police responded to a report of a possible reckless driver on Interstate 30 Wednesday morning just after 8 am. An officer spotted the red Hyundai as it exited at the mile marker 122 exit headed eastbound. The vehicle then pulled into the parking lot of the 7Star Travel Center. An officer making contact with the driver could smell a strong oder of marijuana coming from the vehicle during the morning traffic stop. The driver exited the vehicle and appeared to be impaired on some sort of substance, according to the officer. A Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office deputy showed up on the scene to assist and stayed with the suspect while SSPD officer searched the vehicle. 

During the search a small box was found containing a variety of suspected illegal drugs as well as a firearm. Officers found approximately 9 grams of suspected mushrooms, .55 ounces of suspected marijuana, 17 grams of suspected Xanax as well as three paper tabs in a small clear plastic container which later tested positive as LSD. A THC vape was also found in the vehicle. 

The driver, Braydon Dean Law, age 23, of Commerce was placed under arrest and transported to the Hopkins County Jail. A total of six charges were levied against Law:
Possession of a Controlled Substance Penalty Group 2/2a 4g-400g, Second Degree Felony
Possession of a Controlled Substance Pentalty Group 2 <1g, State Jail Felony
Possession of Marijuana <2 oz Class B Misdemeanor
Possession of Controlled Substance Penalty Group 3 <28g, Class B Misdemeanor
Possession of Controlled Substance Penalty Group <20AU, State Jail Felony
Unlawfully Carrying a Weapon, Class A Misdemeanor

Braydon Dean Law remains in the Hopkins County Jail awaiting bond to be set on the charges.

Author: Chad Young

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