Daily Instrument Register For 1/2/24 Thru 1/3/24
- Jeffrey Durham and Pamela Durham to DC SS Properties LLC; Tract in the William Hooser Survey
- Chelsea Fowler and Rendon Willeford to Sheila Willieford; Tract in the William Jacobs Survey
- Casey Woodall and Michael Woodall to Judy Woodall; Tract in the U Aiguier Survey
- Lucio Rodas and Rosa Aminta Rodas to Luram Holdings LLC; Tract in the Sheffield Street Survey
- Luram Holdings LLC to Joshua Isham; Tract in the Sheffield Street Survey
- Daniel Wayne Culbertson to Alejandro Sanchez; Tract in the Daniel Fuller Survey
- Rhonda R Hightower to Lindabell Johnson and Robert Johnson; Tract in the J G Procello Survey
- Deborah Jean Attaway also known as Debra Attaway to Shelley Dennise Warren; Tract in the John Clayton Survey
Daily Instrument Register For 1/4/2024 Thru 1/5/2024
- Fely Pascua Parawan to Justin Aldridge and Lhea Aldridge; Tract in the Jose Ybarbo Survey
- ESparza Jose Ivan Rico to Cindy Rico; Tract in the Daniel Halbrooks Survey
- Lundup Sherpa and Palmu Sherpa to Angel Alfonso Valenzuela; Tract in the Smith Addition Survey
- Mary Lee Stonaker to Rickey Adams; Tract in the McCulloch Survey
- Willie Bussell and Kayla Rene Scott to Jerry Lee McCord; Tract in the M A Bowlin Survey
- Vicki A Waters to Billy D Waters Jr; Tracts in the MG Shoemaker Survey
- Johney Ferrell to Jason Ingram; Tract in the W Lewis Survey
- Jacob R Patrick to Robin Boshears Formerly Known As Robin Boshears-Patrick, and Roger Crawford; Tract in the Nacodoches Univ Survey
Report of Marriage Documents for Hopkins County 12-22-23 Thru 1-25-24
- Ren Matthew Burns and Alison Lynn Weisenburg
- Branson Shane Ledbetter and Emilee Ann Moore
- Reginald Rashon Thomas aned Terida Ventreah Wright
- Johnny Clyde Daniels and Jeannie Marie Duffey
- Michael Duran Tillery and Linda Irene Bryant
- Eran Josiah Ramos and Diana Yesenia Rosas
- Avila Jose Ma Salas and Ana M Ramirez
- James Daniel Gill and Haley Lynn Dicken
- Zachary Knipping and Julieta Becquer
- Steven Kade Vickery and McKinsey Sue Pierson
- Christopher Ray Bearden and Jennifer Brooke Scroggins
- Eddie Joseph Delhomme and Daysie Brook Vaughn
- Juan Antonio Miramontes and Abagale Inez Steele
- Nathan Glenn Bryan and Leah Ruth-Mae Jordan
- Christopher Paul Hayes and Lindsey Diane Eubanks
- Karson Riley Wellman and Yarely Tellez
- Jonathan Thomas Gonzales and Emely Velazquez