February 27, 2024 – SSHS Theatre will present their 2024 UIL One Act Play, Failure: A Love Story, for the public this Sunday at 2pm in preparation for the upcoming District contest. The performance will be held at the SSHS Auditorium located at the Hopkins County Regional Civic Center.
The story: By the end of 1928, all three Fail sisters will be dead — expiring in reverse order, youngest to oldest, from blunt object to the head, disappearance, and finally consumption. A whimsical chorus follows the story of Nelly (Senior Caroline Prickette), Jenny June (Junior Aspen Mayhew), and Gerty (Senior Talley Brown) as they live out their lives above the family clock repair shop near the Chicago River, before their time unexpectedly runs out. A magical fable where, in the end, the power of love is far greater than any individual’s successes or failures.
Failure also feature Seniors Addison Bradley, Jolene Reed, and Oliver Falter, Junior Aiden Woodard, Sophomores Nathan Bilyeu, Emma Boatman, and Conner Curtis, and Freshman Lizi Green. Crew members include Freshman stage manager Bella Gilbreath, Senior Kaela Gardner, Junior Audrey Tanton, and Freshmen Sunni Vanderburg, Haley Hopkins, and Sebastion Hernandez.
You do not want to miss this one! And tickets are free! (Donations are accepted—which will go to Addison Bradley and Emma Boatman and families.)