Sulphur Springs ISD Board Calls May 4 Election
February 14, 2024 – Sulphur Springs Independent School District contacted KSST to share that the SSISD Board has called for a bond election to be on the May 4th ballot.
The communiqué stated, “representatives from the SSISD Bond Planning Committee made a recommendation to our school board in January that outlined a plan to address our oldest facilities at the primary and elementary level.
… our Board of Trustees voted unanimously to call a $157,150,000 bond election that will be on the May 4 ballot. This plan will allow us to impact more than 2,100 students who are in grades PreK-5, which is about half of our student enrollment, and it will create K-5 elementary schools, which research shows is better for young students compared to multiple transitions.
Specifically, the bond proposal includes:
- New Elementary School #1 (K-5)
- This new school would replace Sulphur Springs Elementary School and would be built on the same site as the current SSES building.
- New Elementary School #2 (K-5)
- This new school would be constructed on a new site and would be named Rowena Johnson Elementary.
- Land Purchase
- We would acquire land to construct the new Rowena Johnson Elementary.
- Renovations to Bush
- The campus renovations would include an addition; new playground; updates to floors, walls, ceilings, lighting; site accessibility improvements; and some new classroom furniture.
- The school would serve students in grades K-5 in the future.
- Renovations to Douglass Early Childhood Learning Center
- The campus renovations would include updates to floors, walls, ceilings, lighting; site accessibility improvements; brick and masonry repair; and the repair and/or replacement of exterior windows.
- The school would continue to serve our early childhood students.
- Updates at Bowie
- The renovations include converting the building for use by special programs staff, which could include creating offices and updates to finishes such as flooring, painting, and lighting.
… After studying our district goals, financial outlook, and various options, committee members brainstormed solutions and ultimately recommended the plan to build two new schools now…
This proposal also will allow us to retire the Johnson, SSES, and Travis buildings, which are 58, 65, and 70 years old, respectively.”
In the communication to KSST, Superintendent Deana Steeber, Ed.D. also stated, “I’m very grateful to community partners like Sulphur Springs First Baptist Church who opened their doors when our schools were unusable, but I prefer for our students to be able to stay at their home campus in spaces designed for them and you. Our new schools would include safety features and modern classroom tools that are now standard in schools you see in other districts.
Based on Taxable Assessed Values and paying off previous debt early, we can issue the bonds with a ¼ penny increase per $100 of property valuation. For a home valued at $150,000 – and then subtracting the new $100,000 homestead exemption that Texas voters approved in November – this equates to an increase of $1.25 per year. A tax impact calculator is on the district website for you and other homeowners to calculate the impact on your property taxes.”
The communiqué also expressed, “Any Sulphur Springs ISD resident who is registered to vote may cast a ballot in this election. Voters will be asked to vote “for” or “against” the bond proposition.
- The deadline to register to vote in the May election is April 4.
- Early Voting will take place April 22 through April 30.
- Election Day is Saturday, May 4.
We have visited several campuses so far and we will schedule additional informational meetings to share details and answer questions. As soon as those meetings are finalized, we will share through our regular communication channels. In the meantime, please visit for more information and/or use the form on the FAQ page to submit your questions.”