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KSST Sent These Questions to District 12 BOE Candidates: Pam Little’s Responses

Here are the questions and responses given by candidate Pam Little.

If proposed school vouchers legislation passes, how would it affect district 12?
A lot of how it would affect District 12 depends on the language in the bill. I support parents having the decision to choose their child’s education opportunities. Some superintendents indicated it might not have that much financial affect as the students receiving the funds are already in private schools. What I don’t want to see are “pop up” private schools in the rural areas that are not accredited just for the purpose of getting voucher monies.

How would the alternate plan to vouchers, called the Education Emancipation Act, affect the district?
The State Board of Education does not vote on bills only the legislature. In an initial review of this bill, I think it makes more sense as one of the major concerns from private school parents is government interference in the private schools. Also, it would depend on the amount of the tax exemption.

Do you think School Districts should cooperate with home school families to let their children participate in public school athletics and other programs?
Most of my homeschool parents do not want their children involved with public schools. They have indicated there are many sports opportunities outside of public schools homeschoolers in which homeschoolers can participate. I think also there might be a liability issue if the child is not enrolled in the school district.

Some people are calling for Public Schools to include financial literacy education for all students. Is this an obtainable goal, or are public schools currently overwhelmed?
The State Board of Education has already approved a financial literacy course as part of the required economics course for graduation.

If elected, what would you hope would be key accomplishments of the board during your years of service?
Developing Social Studies standards that instill American Exceptionalism and the richness of Texas history in students. Approving Math standards that focus more on the basics and getting the right answer – a blend with critical thinking. Continue to approve instructional materials to assist in improving reading, writing and math. With a 20-year career in educational publishing working with the State Board of Education to develop materials and from serving for 5 years I have the experience needed to get these standards where they need to be.

Recently, several arrests have been made in Texas involving school district staff/educators involved in sexual misconduct with students. Do you think this is somehow linked to districts having trouble finding qualified employees/teachers?
It’s sad that we have seen so many of these incidents lately. It maybe that the lack of qualified teachers is an underlying cause. I also think the Texas Education Agency needs to be more diligent in keeping accurate records of these incidents. One individual who had already been sentenced to 131 years in prison for sexual misconduct still had a certificate showing as active and not revoked.


Author: KSST Webmaster

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