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Sex Trafficking Red Flags

Human trafficking is a modern-day form of slavery and is a violation of human rights. Human trafficking is
defined by federal law as the act of recruiting, harboring, transporting, providing, or obtaining a person for forced labor, services, or commercial sex acts, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion.

Sex trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to compel a person to engage in a commercial sex act.

  • The elements of force, fraud, or coercion is NOT required when the victim is a minor (under 18).
  • Person is forced to engage in commercial sex acts, such as prostitution, stripping, or pornography.
  • Person seems to be under the control of someone else who monitors their movements and spending.
  • Person is living in or frequenting locations that are known for commercial sex activities.
  • Person is unable to freely communicate with others and someone else speaks on their behalf.
  • Person has unexplained bruises, scars, injuries, or other signs of physical abuse.

Author: KSST Webmaster

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