A Message of Inspiration From the Author of Living Loved
Hey friends!! The song Amazing Grace has been on repeat in my heart lately. I have caught myself whistling it, humming it, singing it, and just feeling every bit of that Amazing Grace the Father has given us! You see God poured out His Grace at the cross of Christ where Jesus paid the price of our sin, death. I was reading in the book of Romans. You see, as sons of Adam, we inherited the sin nature because of Adam’s sin and thus we inherited death. The word says that when we were “utterly helpless” Christ came at JUST THE RIGHT TIME and died for US SINNERS! And he broke the hold sin has on those who accept Christ! As sons and daughters of the King of Kings, he made a great exchange; our ruin for His rescue, our sin for his righteousness, our death for his eternal life, the separation from God for relationship with God, our disobedience for his obedience, the judgement of our sin and gave deliverance. He fulfilled the law and gave us GRACE! (Romans 5). He gave us grace for our lawlessness. Relationship for our separation. Friends! Sin is the discrepancy between who we are and who we were created to be! The same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in us! (Ephesians 1:20). 2 Peter 1:3 says that God has given us everything we need to live a Godly life through Christ. He has made the way for us to be successful in our walk. We are restored by His death and we are saved through His life! We are declared righteous by His wonderful grace!! Oh friends get excited!! We are so loved! So loved. And you HAVE power through the Holy Spirit to overcome this weak flesh and live a life of LOVE! Live loved friends and live to love!
About the author
Tracy Kelley is a follower of Jesus, mother, grandmother, author and speaker, living in Sulphur Springs, TX. She is the author of the book Living Loved, Learning to Live in the Fullness of Gods Love, where she shares encouragement from her daily journey and how God has shown His love to her through various trials. You can buy her book, find events, book her for your event, and follow her by going to her Facebook page, where you will always be greeted as friend! You can purchase her book at Good News Book Store in Sulphur Springs, TX; online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and most other major retailers.